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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
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1910, ch. 616, sec. 18 (p. 522).

28. Any person who shall shoot, kill or destroy, within the limits of
Allegany County, any fox, wild cat, hawk or hoot-owl, shall be entitled
to receive from the County Commissioners the following sums of money,
viz, for every wild cat the sum of $2.00, for every fox the sum of $1.00,
and for every hoot-owl or hawk the sum of $.50.

1910, ch. 616, sec. 19 (p. 522).

29. The person so killing, shooting or destroying any such fox, wild
cat, hawk or hoot-owl in order to secure the reward mentioned in Section
28 of this Article, must be a resident of Allegany County, and shall take
said fox, wild cat, hawk or hoot-owl, or the hide with head attached if
it be a fox or wild cat, before some justice of the peace of said county,
as evidence of such killing or destroying and shall make oath that the
same is bona fide killed or destroyed in said county and that the person
so killing or destroying such bird or animal is a resident of Allegany
County, and said justice of the peace shall burn said animal or bird, or
the head thereof, or so brand it by severing the head from the hide in case
of animals, that the same cannot be used again in evidence, and shall give
the party producing the same a certificate that such head has been pro-
duced before and destroyed or branded by him, and that the party pro-
ducing the same had made such affidavit, and shall receive from such
person the sum of fifteen cents for every certificate so issued, which cer-
tificate shall enumerate the number of scalps so produced, but a separate
certificate shall be required for each species of bird or animal set forth
in this section; and the said Justice of the Peace shall keep a record of
all certificates so issued by him, subject at all times to public inspection.
And it shall be the duty of every justice of the Peace in Allegany County
on or before the tenth day of every month to file with the Clerk to the
County Commissioners of said County an itemized statement of the bounty
certificates issued by him in the preceding month, which said statement
shall contain the name of the persons to whom certificates were issued,
the amounts respectively issued to each and the number and kinds of
animals for which certificates were respectively given.

See secs. 665-667.


1890, ch. 396, sec. 1.

30. The County Commissioners of Allegany and Garrett Counties, are
hereby authorized and empowered to employ a competent and skillful civil

*Sec. 3 of ch. 568, Acts 1927, repealed all laws, general and local, except as
provided in said Act. Ch. 616, Acts of 1910, is included here as there may be some
doubt as to whether it is a game law within the meaning of the term used in ch.
568 of 1927.


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 13   View pdf image (33K)
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