engineer, not a resident of either county nor owning property therein, to
survey and accurately locate the boundary or division line between the
said counties of Allegany and Garrett in accordance with the provisions
of the Act of eighteen hundred and seventy-two, chapter two hundred
and twelve, of the laws of Maryland relating thereto.
1890, ch. 396, sec. 2.
31. Each board of county commissioners shall have an equal voice in
the selection of said engineer, and may act in joint meeting or by separate
resolutions or orders of their respective bodies, and all expenses incurred
in carrying out the provisions of this Act shall be jointly borne by both
1890, ch. 396, sec. 3.
32. Upon the completion of said survey and the location of said line
said engineer shall make a full report of his operations, accompanied by
all necessary plats and papers to the respective boards of County Com-
missioners of Allegany and Garrett Counties, and upon the adoption and
ratification of said report by the county commissioners aforesaid; the
boundary or division line so located and fixed shall thereafter be and
remain the permanent boundary or division line between said counties of
Allegany and Garrett.*
1898, ch. 304, sec. 1.
33. Immediately after the passage of this Act the Governor shall ap-
point or procure the services of a competent and skillful civil engineer or
surveyor, who shall at once survey and definitely locate on the ground the
boundary line between Allegany and Garrett Counties, on the line between
the terminal points established by Chapter 212 of the Acts of 1872, which
said civil engineer or surveyor shall employ at his own cost the necessary
chainmen and axmen or other necessary assistance, and procure the stones
for marking the line as hereinafter provided and for all said services of
said engineer and for his expenses for chainmen, axmen and other assist-
ance and for stones, plats and all materials used by him, he shall be paid
a sum of money not exceeding one thousand dollars, one-half thereof by
the County Commissioners of Allegany County and one-half thereof by
the County Commissioners of Garrett County, and said commissioners of
said counties shall in their levies of taxes next occurring after the passage
of this Act, levy the sum of five hundred dollars for each of said counties
for the cost of said survey, and they shall pay said engineer such part of
said amount as is necessary in full compensation for all his services,
assistance, materials and expenses as aforesaid, and the Governor shall
require said engineer to give bond with such securities amd in such sum
as he shall deem proper conditioned to the faithful discharge of the trust
reposed in him.
*Sec. 4 of ch. 396, 1890, repealed all laws inconsistent therewith.