634 ARTICLE 99.
of this State and the Superintendent in charge of any State-owned land or
any land or water owned by the Federal Government after receiving con-
sent from the authorities herein named, locate State Game Refuges or Fish
Refuges on State-owned or National-owned forests, land or waters.
Each Refuge shall be posted on the outlines of said property and when
the Game Warden may deem it necessary, boundaries of said Refuge may
be defined by fireline, road or other clear strip of land, or by at least one
wire at the boundary thereof. On the boundary of each Refuge there shall
be posted, in conspicuous places notices informing the public that the terri-
tory is a "State Game Refuge—Hunting is Unlawful, " and such other in-
formation or rules and regulations as may be deemed advisable.
1927, ch. 568, sec. 72.
69. Leased Lands and Waters. Whenever the owner (or person in
control) of suitable lauds or waters desires to have said lands or waters,
or part thereof, set apart for a refuge for game and fish, he or they may
make application to the Game Warden, giving a description of said lands
or waters including: (a) Specific location; (b) map or sketch showing an
outline of said lands or waters and the location of all buildings, roads,
streams, and fences; (c) the type of such lands or waters, whether wood-
land, abandoned farm land, or cultivated land, or lakes, ponds, marshes, or
impounded streams.
(a) The Game Warden may then make or have an examination made
of said property and if found suitable for game and fish protection or for
propagation purposes, he may notify the owner (or person in control) to
the effect that said lands or waters are acceptable for a game and fish ref-
uge. The said owner (or person in control) shall sign a lease, vesting in
this State all hunting and fishing rights upon said lands and waters with-
out charge. The lease shall contain provisions to the following effect: (a)
that neither the owner, his family, agents, tenants or any other person by
or with his authority shall hunt or fish thereon; (b) that he will make
every effort to protect said refuge from forest fires, hunting or fishing or
violations of any of the conservation laws of the State; (c) that the lease
or agreement shall continue in force for an uninterrupted period of not less
than five years.
(b) In the event that any land or waters named in any lease on which
there is no charge shall be sold by said owner, then said piece of property
shall be released from the operation of said lease unless the purchaser
shall agree to allow said property to remain under lease. Any lease made
under the provisions of this sub-title may be rescinded either by the Game
Warden or the owner as to all or any part of the lands and waters covered
by said lease upon the giving of ninety days' notice in writing to the other
party to said lease of their desire to terminate said lease.
1927, ch. 568, sec. 73.
70. Rules and Regulations. The Game Warden may formulate, adopt,
and post such rules and regulations for the government of lands and waters
under his control, as he may deem necessary for their proper use and