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1929 Supplement to the Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland
Volume 376, Page 633   View pdf image (33K)
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1927, ch. 568, sec. 69.

66. Sale and Exchange. Whenever the Game Warden shall deem it
to the best interests of the State, he may, by approval of the Conservation
Commissioner and with the consent of the Governor, authorize the exchange
of any lands or waters, or any part thereof, to which title has been ac-
quired by purchase, gift or otherwise, together with the buildings, improve-
ments, appurtenances, thereof, for privately owned lands of equal or
greater value, and adapted for State Game Lands for game and fish propa-
gation; or may authorize the sale of any lands or waters to which title
has been acquired as aforesaid, or any part thereof, to the party or parties,
offering the highest price therefor, after advertisement once each week, for
two consecutive weeks, in at least one newspaper in the county or counties
in which the land or waters are located.

(a) Such land or waters may, by consent of the Game Warden and Con-
servation Commissoiner, be used as State Parks in co-operation with any
Department of this State empowered at present with the supervision of
State Forests or State Parks or any department which may, by an Act
of the General Assembly in the future, be empowered with the establish-
ment, supervision, etc., of State Parks in this State.

(b) The Attorney-General shall prepare the necessary deeds to consum-
mate such exchange or sale, and the deeds shall be executed by the Game
Warden and the Conservation Commissioner of this State. The proceeds
of such sales shall be deposited with the State Comptroller to be placed to
the credit of the State Game Protection Fund. The Game Warden or Con-
servation Department shall not acquire or purchase any land or water in
Garrett County.

1927, ch. 568, sec. 70.

67. Use of Lands. Land and waters to which title has been acquired,
or which have been leased, or any part thereof, may be used for the pur-
pose of creating and maintaining State Game Refuges, or for the propaga-
tion of game and fish, and as much thereof as deemed necessary may be
used for hunting grounds by consent of the Game Warden. The Game
Warden, after consultation with the State Department of Forestry, may
cut and remove and sell, or permit the cutting and removing and selling
of, timber on lands to which title has been acquired by purchase, gift or
otherwise, the net proceeds from which shall be deposited with the State
Comptroller to be placed to the credit of the State Game Protection Fund.
The Game Warden may grant rights of way on and across lands and waters
acquired as aforesaid, when such grant will not adversely affect game and
fish protection and propagation.

1927, ch. 568, sec. 71.

68. State Game Refuges. The Game Warden may establish and main-
tain State Game Refuges for the protection and propagation of game and
fish on all or any portion of State Game Lands, where any game and fur-
bearing animals shall not be hunted, pursued, trapped, disturbed or mo-
lested at any time. He may also, with and by the consent of the Governor


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1929 Supplement to the Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland
Volume 376, Page 633   View pdf image (33K)
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