administration. Such rules and regulations shall be the law of this State
controlling such lands or waters, and a violation of any of the provisions
of such rules and regulations shall subject the offender to the penalties
provided for in this sub-title.
1927, ch. 568, sec. 74.
71. Entry upon Refuges. No person shall trespass in any manner on
any State Game or Fish Refuge without the consent of the Game Warden
or person in charge of said lands or waters. Persons regularly residing on
lands included within any refuge may be granted a special written permit
by the Game Warden which may be revoked at any time, to have traps,
dogs or guns in possession on such refuge so long as they are not used in
hunting or trapping for game unless said hunting or trapping is done under
special permit from the Game Warden for propagation purposes. Where
any portion of a State Game Refuge is used for a State Park, entry by
any person within the refuge area for recreational pursuits shall not be
restricted on the portion of said territory used as a State Park, so long as
such persons do not carry firearms, or traps, or do not permit dogs to dis-
turb or chase game.
The Game Warden, by written permission, may grant to responsible
persons the right to hunt or trap for vermin, and to use dogs and guns in
connection therewith, on State Game Refuges, or may grant permission to
trap birds or game animals which, when so trapped, shall be used for propa-
gation purposes.
1927, ch. 568, sec. 75.
72. Penalties. Any person convicted before any Justice of the Peace
of this State for violating any of the provisions of this sub-title, or any
of the rules and regulations formulated and made by the Game Warden
in accordance with the provisions thereof, whether the same be trespassing
on any refuge or other provision of said sub-title, shall be fined not less
than Fifty Dollars ($50. 00) nor more than One Hundred Dollars
($100. 00) and costs for each and every offense.
Elk and Deer.
1927, ch. 568, sec. 76. 1929, ch. 416, sec. 76.
73. It shall be unlawful for any person to hunt for any Elk or Deer
within the State of Maryland, from June 1st, 1927, until December 1st,
1931, provided, however, it shall be lawful to shoot or kill any male deer
with six-inch antler, in Allegany County, and within any game preserve
within Washington County enclosed by a fence not less than seven feet
high, between the dates of December 1st and December 15th, both dates
inclusive, and in Garrett County between the dates of December 1st and
December 3rd, both dates inclusive.
(a) It shall be unlawful to hunt in any manner any Elk or Deer except
through the use of a gun propelling one all-lead or lead alloy or soft nosed
or expanding bullet or ball at a single discharge, or to take an elk or deer