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1929 Supplement to the Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland
Volume 376, Page 632   View pdf image (33K)
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'632 ARTICLE 99.

(c) It shall be unlawful for any person to use any tag of the kind herein
provided for the carrying, removal, or shipment of game or the eggs of
game birds, taken or killed outside of premises used for propagating game,
under authority of a license, or for the purpose of a second shipment of
game from any such premises. Nothing contained herein requiring the
tagging of game shall apply to any game released within this State, or
hatched from eggs of game birds and released for stocking purpose, or sold
to the Game Warden or representative for propagating purposes.

(d) Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this sub-
title, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction before
any Justice of the Peace of this State shall be fined not less than One
Hundred Dollars ($100. 00) nor more than Five Hundred Dollars
($500. 00) and costs for each and every offense, and in addition to said
fines shall be fined Five Dollars ($5. 00) for each and every game bird, the
eggs of same, or game animal sold or offered for sale in violation of the
law; the license shall be revoked and game on said property confiscated by
order of the Game Warden.

State Game Refuges and Hunting Grounds.

1927, ch. 568, sec. 67.

64. Acquisition. The Game Warden of this State may acquire title
to or control of lands or waters within this State, suitable for protection
and propagation of game and fish or for hunting purposes to be used as
hereinafter provided, by purchase, lease, gift or otherwise, to be known as
State Game Lands. The Game Warden may purchase or erect such build-
ings as may be deemed necessary properly to maintain and protect such
lands or for propagation of game and fish, and may also purchase or lease
lands from which the ownership of minerals, oil or gas and the right to
mine and drill for the same have been excepted.

1927, ch. 568, sec. 68.

65. Title and Control. The title to any land or water acquired by
purchase, gift or otherwise, shall be taken in the name of the State of
Maryland, for use of the Game Division of the Conservation Department
of Maryland. The entire control of such land or waiter shall be under the
direction of the Game Warden and Conservation Commissioner of this

No land or water shall be purchased at a price to exceed Five Dollars
($5. 00) per acre, except where buildings or cultivated lands deemed neces-
sary to the proper maintenance and administration of game refuges or for
game and fish propagation are included. The Game Warden may expend
for the purchase of lands and waters during any year such amount from
the State Game Protection Fund as in his opinion can be allotted to that


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1929 Supplement to the Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland
Volume 376, Page 632   View pdf image (33K)
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