628 ARTICLE 99.
1927, ch. 340, sec. 9. 1929, ch. 459, sec. 9.
58. Any person convicted before any Justice of the Peace of this State
for violating any of the provisions of this subtitle, shall be fined not less
than Fifty ($50) Dollars, nor more than One Hundred ($100) Dollars and
costs for each and every offense, and shall stand committed to jail until
such fine and costs have been paid; and in addition to said fine and costs,
the Justice of the Peace shall order the officer making the arrest and secur-
ing the conviction to seize and hold in custody all vessels, crafts, sink-boxes,
sneak-boats, decoys and all other paraphernalia used in violation of the pro-
visions of this sub-title, and will exclude the gunning rig from the Flats for
three legal gunning days, which shall include such gunning days as said
gunning rig may have been excluded prior to the determination of the case.
Provided, however, in case of appeal, the rig shall be released, but in case the
court before whom said appeal is heard sustains the decision of the Justice
of the Peace, then said person or persons shall be fined double the amount
so imposed by said Justice of the Peace. All moneys received by any Jus-
tice of the Peace or any Court shall be transmitted to the Game Warden or
State Comptroller on the first day of the month after fine is received, to
be credited to the State Game Protection Fund. 1
Otter, Muskrat, Raccoon and Opossum.
1927, ch. 568, sec. 62. 1929, ch. 420.
59. It shall be unlawful for any person to hunt any Muskrat within the
State of Maryland, or have the meat or pelts in possession if trapped,
caught or killed, between the fifteenth day of March and the first day of
January following in each and every year, both dates exclusive, whether
same are trapped, caught or killed within the State of Maryland, or any
other State, territory or country; provided, however, nothing herein con-
tained shall prohibit the possession of the skins of such animals for busi-
ness purposes, when dried and cured; provided, that any person may have
in possession green skins until the twenty-fifth day of March, following the
close of each season, in order to allow skins caught, late in the season to be-
come cured for market. It shall be unlawful to pursue or kill any Otter
in this State at any time.
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to shoot, or shoot at, or gig, or
in any manner kill or catch, except by trapping, any muskrat, and it shall
be unlawful for any person to dig for any muskrat or dig into or in any
manner molest or destroy any part of a muskrat house or den. And it shall
further be unlawful to have in possession any muskrat hide or skins that
have been shot at or into or killed in any manner except by trapping; and
any muskrat hide perforated with small holes, having the appearance of
shot or bullet holes, shall be prima facie evidence that it was a muskrat so
shot or killed. It shall be unlawful for any person at any time to use or
have in possession for use a light for the purpose of hunting muskrats at
1 Sec. 2 of ch. 340 of the acts of 1927 and sec. 2 of ch. 459 of the acts of 1929 re-
pealed all laws inconsistent therewith to extent of inconsistency.