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1929 Supplement to the Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland
Volume 376, Page 628   View pdf image (33K)
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his Court, to such applicant to gun after and shoot at water fowl from
such gunning rig in the area herein described as the Flats upon the days
herein designated the legal gunning days.

1927, ch. 340, sec. 7.

56. Every applicant before obtaining such license, shall pay to the
Clerk of the Circuit Court, to which he may apply for the same, the follow-
ing rates, namely: For a sink-box Twenty Dollars ($20. 00), and for a
sneak-boat Five Dollars ($5. 00), for each and every gunning season as de-
fined herein; and in addition to the moneys received from licenses afore-
said, the Clerk of the Court shall collect and retain in lieu of all other com-
pensation the sum of Seventy Five Cents (75c) for issuing each license.
Said license shall only be valid from November 1st to January 31st fol-
lowing the date of issuance, and it shall be the duty of every person obtain-
ing a license to exhibit the same whenever called upon by any officer of
this State or any other person who shall demand to see the same.

Each and every applicant for such license shall make oath before the
Clerk of the Court, authorized to issue the same, that he is a bona fide resi-
dent of this State and that he will not employ on a gunning rig any per-
son except a bona fide resident of this State and that he will comply with
all the provisions of this Article, regulating the hunting of water fowl in
the territory designated as the Flats, and every person to whom such license
may be granted shall be required to paint the name or number of the sink-
box or sneak-boat on some prominent part thereof in large legible letters
or numbers, as the case may be, to correspond with said name or number
of license issued to him.

1927, ch. 340, sec. 8. 1929, ch. 459, sec. 8.

57. The Clerks of the Circuit Courts of Harford and Cecil Counties
shall, on the first day of June, 1927, and on the first day of each and
every month thereafter, transmit to the Comptroller of this State all
moneys received by them for the issuance of gunning rig licenses. Said
Clerk shall report to the Game Warden the first of each and every mouth,
the name and address of each licensee to whom he has issued license the
preceding month for a sink-box or sneak-boat, designating number of said
license and description of boat. Eight Hundred ($800) Dollars of the
amount so received from each of the said counties by the Comptroller shall
be placed to the credit of a separate fund to be known as the State Game
Protection Fund and shall be disbursed by the said State Comptroller from
time to time on warrants signed by the State Game Warden of Maryland
and shall be used for the purpose of paying the Ducking Police provided
for in Section 54 of this Article. The balance so received from Cecil
County shall be paid by the Comptroller to the County Treasurer of Cecil
County to be paid by him to the Ducking Police appointed for the pur-
pose of patrolling the Elk and Bohemia Rivers; and the balance collected
from Harford County shall be paid to the Treasurer of said county to be
used as the County Commissioners of said county may direct.


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1929 Supplement to the Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland
Volume 376, Page 628   View pdf image (33K)
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