waters aforesaid, or if any such boat propelled by engine or sail shall be
proven to have moved in the direction of such water fowl so bedded, for
purpose of causing such water fowl to fly from the place or waters in which
they shall have been then and there bedded, such fact or facts, or any of
them, shall be accepted as prima facie evidence of an intentional violation
of the provisions of this section on the part of each person on board of
such boat, and of the ownership of such boat and of the guns and parapher-
nalia thereon by the persons so convicted.
(c) Each and every person on board of any boat by or from which water
fowl shall be unnecessarily disturbed or in which water fowl shall be
hunted, or from which water fowl shall be shot at in violation of the pro-
visions of this Section, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon
conviction thereof each person convicted shall be fined not less than One
Hundred Dollars ($100. 00) nor more than Two Hundred Dollars
($200. 00) for each offense, and in addition to such fine or fines all boats
used by said offenders and the guns and paraphernalia found in or on such
boats or in possession of such persons so convicted, or used in such vio-
lation of the provisions of this Section, shall be adjudged confiscated, and
shall be disposed of by the Game Warden as he may deem advisable for
the best interests of the State.
1927, ch. 568, sec. 39. 1929, ch. 366, sec. 39.
40. All owners of riparian rights, their lessees or licensees on the waters
of this State shall, by virtue of said ownership, be first entitled to make a
choice of the "set" or position in front of the property of which they are
the owners of the riparian rights, lessees or licensees, for the purpose to
erect, set or maintain booby, brush or stake blind or blinds, provided, that
said riparian owners, their lessees or licensees shall avail themselves of
said choice of localities and clearly mark the same on said waters by erect-
ing a stake, on which shall appear the license number of each blind and the
licensee's name as hereinafter provided on or before October 10th of each
and every year, and said blind or blinds licensed prior to October 10th
must be erected on or before November 10th and said blind or blinds
licensed after November 10th must be erected on or before twenty days
thereafter, except as herein provided.
(a) For the protection of shoreowners, their lessees or licensees, desir-
ing to locate a blind or blinds on their shore, the purchase of a license as
herein provided and the establishment of a stake on which shall be painted
the license number and the name of the licensee, such stake not to exceed
the lawful distance from shore and be established in the water, when said
stake shall be established on or before October 10th, then said stake shall
be termed as a blind as hereinafter provided.
(b) No booby, brush or stake blind shall be licensed or erected in the
writers of Chester River and its tributaries within the jurisdiction of Kent
County except Grey's Inn Creek, Comegy's Bight and between a line
drawn from Beaver Dam in Hail Creek, Kent County, to Stoney Bar
Bluff at the mouth of Jackson's Creek in Queen Anne's County, and Drum