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1929 Supplement to the Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland
Volume 376, Page 618   View pdf image (33K)
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618 ARTICLE 99.

(i) Provided, however, that all persons owning a sink box or sink boat
or sneak boat must before using same procure a license from the Clerk
of the Court of the County in which they are a resident in the same man-
ner as is provided in this sub-title for the licensing of booby, brush and
stake blinds. The Clerk of the Court shall collect from each person mak-
ing application for license for a sink box the sum of Twenty Dollars
($20. 00) and for a sneak boat the sum of Five Dollars ($5. 00) and in addi-
tion thereto shall collect and retain in lieu of all other compensation the
sum of Fifty Cents (50c) from each licensee for the issuance of same. And,
any person to whom such license may be granted, shall be required to paint
the number or name of his sink box, sink boat or sneak boat on some promi-
nent part thereof to correspond with the number or name in the said
license. Provided, however, it shall be unlawful for any person in or over
all waters herein defined where sink box or sink boat is legalized (except
on the Susquehanna Flats and the Elk River) to place same within five
hundred yards of any shore or within five hundred yards of any licensed
booby, brush or stake blind without the owner, licensee or lessee of said
shore or said blinds permission.

(j) Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction before any Justice
of the Peace of this State, shall be fined not less than Fifty Dollars
($50. 00) nor m6re than One Hundred Dollars ($100. 00) for each and
every offense and each wild duck, goose, swan or brant so shot at, killed or
had in possession shall constitute a separate offense under this section.

1927, ch. 568, sec. 38.

39. It shall be unlawful, purposely or unnecessarily, to disturb in the
waters of this State, or to hunt any water fowl in or from any boat of any
description within the limits of the State of Maryland, or to hunt or
gather any wounded or dead ducks, geese, swan or brant in any boat pro-
pelled by or equipped with sail or engines of any kind within the said

(a) It shall be unlawful for the owner of any boat propelled by or
equipped with sail or engines of any kind, or of any share or interest in
such boat, to use or permit the use of such boat for any of the acts above
prohibited, or to loan or hire such boat at any time to any person without
making due inquiry into the purpose of those applying for the use of such
boat and becoming satisfied that those applying for the use of such boat
intend to use the same exclusively for other purposes than the violation of
the provisions of this Section, and that such persons are not equipped with
and do not place in such boats any guns or ammunition suitable for shoot-
ing water fowl.

(b) If any such power boat impelled by sail or engines of any descrip-
tion be found in or near the waters where water fowl are then and there
using or bedding, having on board guns or other paraphernalia commonly
employed in the hunting of water fowl, or if any shots shall be fired from
any such boat at or in the vicinity of water fowl where bedded in the


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1929 Supplement to the Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland
Volume 376, Page 618   View pdf image (33K)
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