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1929 Supplement to the Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland
Volume 376, Page 620   View pdf image (33K)
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620 ARTICLE 99.

Point in Kent County; and no booby, brush or stake blind shall be licensed
or erected in the waters of the Chesapeake Bay within the jurisdiction of
Kent County between the north end of Hickory Thicket and the mouth of
the Chester River.

(c) This section shall not apply to any person who has an established

, licensed blind or blinds located in the waters of Anne Arundel County or

in the waters of the Chesapeake Bay opposite the shore line of said county

prior to January 1st, 1927, and said licensee shall have the right to renew

said license on or before the first day of July of each year thereafter.

(d) No booby, brush or stake blind shall be licensed or erected in the
waters of Bohemia River and its tributaries, within the jurisdiction of
Cecil County.

This section and secs. 42 and 46 held not to justify extension of dividing line
between plaintiff's and defendant's property over defendant's land and thence
over waters of bay, in order to prevent erection of blind by defendant. Rights
of State not involved. Case not moot. Sheehy v. Thomas, 155 Aid. 689.

1927, ch. 568, sec. 40. 1929, ch. 366, sec. 40.

41. It shall be lawful in or over the waters to erect, set or maintain a
booby, brush or stake blind, and same shall be stationary; in which shall be
built a platform for the purpose of shooting from. It shall be unlawful
to erect, set or maintain any blind at a greater distance than 300 yards
from the natural shore, from which same may be erected. Said blinds
shall not be less than 500 yards apart measured in a straight line: pro-
vided, however, it shall be unlawful in or over the waters of Baltimore
County to erect, set or maintain any blind at a greater distance than 150
yards from the natural shore.

(a) It shall be unlawful on any of the rivers of this State for any
person to erect, set or maintain a blind at a farther distance from the shore
than one-half of said river where said river is less than 600 yards in width,
nor shall any person place any blind on any of the rivers across any channel
where said channel runs near the center of said river.

(b) Provided, however, that in the tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay
and in the tributaries of the Potomac River in Charles County and on the
waters of Baltimore County said blinds shall not be less than 250 yards
apart measured in a straight line. However, the 250 yards as provided
in Paragraph A of Section 46 of this Article, shall not apply to Baltimore

1927, ch. 568, sec. 41. 1929, ch 366, sec. 41.

42. Section 41, relating to distance from shore, shall not apply to the
waters of the Chesapeake Bay opposite the shore line of Anne Arundel
County, on the western side of said Bay. and to the waters of Brannock's
Bay, Trippe's Bay or Todd's Bay in Dorchester County, nor to the waters
of the Chesapeake Bay adjacent to Poplar Island, in Coaches Neck, nor
to the waters lying north of a straight line drawn from Black Walnut Point
to Benoni's Point in Talbot County, nor to the waters of Prospect Bay in
Queen Anne's County.


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1929 Supplement to the Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland
Volume 376, Page 620   View pdf image (33K)
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