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1929 Supplement to the Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland
Volume 376, Page 617   View pdf image (33K)
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days at any time of the year, reserving and adding, however, Wednesdays
in the mouth of December as lawful days for shooting water fowl on said
river and its tributaries between Bay Bush Point on the Wicliffe Farm and
Durdings Creek, so that Mondays and Fridays, during the months1 of No-
vember; Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays during the month of Decem-
ber; and Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Satur-
days during the months1 of January, shall be lawful days for shooting water
fowl on said river and its tributaries between Bay Bush Point on the
Wicliffe Farm and Durdings Creek, and provided further that on the Ches-
ter River and its tributaries above the Chester River Bridge, it shall be
lawful to hunt water fowl every day during the months of November,
December and January except on Sundays.

And be it further provided, that it shall be unlawful to hunt water
fowl on any of the waters of the Patuxent River and its tributaries, and
on the waters of the Wicomico River in St. Mary's County during the open
season, as provided herein on Tuesdays and Thursdays during the months
of November and December.

(b) The migratory game birds specified in this section may be taken
during the open season with a gun only, not larger than number ten gauge,
fired from the shoulder, from the land and water, with the aid of a dog or
dogs, and the use of decoys; however, it shall be unlawful to use any air-
plane, power boat, sail boat, any boat under sail, sink box or sink boat,
sneak boat, floating device, or any floating device towed by a power boat or
a sail boat for the purpose of hunting water fowl, therefrom; provided it
shall be lawful to use sink box, sink boat, sneak boat or bushwhack rig on
the Susquehanna Flats. Any gun which cannot be habitually raised and
fired from the shoulder may be confiscated by any officer of this State and
delivered to the Game Warden.

(c) It shall be lawful to use a sink box, sink beat or sneak boat in and
over the waters of the Elk and Sassafras Rivers as legalized by the local
Acts of Cecil County prior to 1927; however, it shall be unlawful to use
a sneak boat in or over any of the waters of this State except on the Sus-
quehanna Flats and the waters of Cecil County as herein defined.

(d) It shall be lawful to use a sink box or sink boat in the waters of
Honga River and that part of Tar Bay above a line drawn from the south-
ern end of the bridge between upper and middle Hoopers Island until it
strikes the Barren Island Bar at the end of the tree line.

(e) It shall be lawful to use a sink box or sink boat on the waters of
Kent County known as Comegy's Bight and on the waters of Sassafras

(f) It shall be lawful to use sink box or sink boat on the waters of
Queen Anne's County.

(g) It shall be lawful to use a sink box or sink boat on the waters of
Talbot County.

(h) It shall be lawful to use a sink box or sink boat on the waters of
Isle of Wight and Chincoteague Bays in Worcester County.

1 Evidently a typographical error in the act.


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1929 Supplement to the Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland
Volume 376, Page 617   View pdf image (33K)
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