Wild Ducks........................
25 in aggregate of all kinds.
8 in aggregate of all kinds.
8 in aggregate of all kinds.
Wilson Snipe or Jacksnipe.............
20 in aggregate of all kinds.
25 in aggregate of all kinds.
Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs..........
Rabbit or Hare......................
Partridge or Quail...................
English and Mongolian Pheasant, and
Ruffed Grouse....................
2 not over six per season.
Wild Turkey.......................
1 not over four per season.
Not over one in any one season.
1927, ch. 568, sec. 22.
22. It shall be unlawful to export or ship out from the limits of the
State of Maryland any game, (water fowl and fur-bearing animals ex-
cepted); and it shall be unlawful for any express company or any common
carrier, to knowingly accept any such game (water fowl and fur-bearing
animals excepted), for shipment without the State. Any person desiring
to ship out of this State any water fowl shall ship same out in the open
tied by head or feet and tagged accordingly, or in a container slatted so the
birds are visible.
(a) A licensed hunter who has procured a hunter's license in Maryland
for year in which he desires to take out, and who has hunted in State and
killed game, may take out as personal baggage in the open two day's bag
limit as provided by law, but he must produce his hunting license as here-
in provided upon request of any person.
(b) Any person desiring to ship or take out of State any water fowl
killed by them, shall not ship or take out more than two days' bag limit
in any one calendar week.
(c) Any person convicted before any Justice of the Peace of this State
for violating any of the provisions of this sub-title shall be fined not less
than Twenty-five Dollars ($25. 00) nor more than One Hundred Dollars
($100. 00) in the discretion of the Justice of the Peace and costs for each
and every offense, and in addition to said fine shall be fined Five Dollars
($5. 00) for each and every game bird and game animal, caught or killed
illegally, purchased, or offered to purchase, sold, offered for sale, barter
or exchange, or taken or killed in excess of the bag limit, or found in pos-