612 ARTICLE 99.
ing game, except fur-bearing animals. If any person is found in posses-
sion of any trap, net or snare, it shall be prima facie evidence said devices
were in possession for the purpose of violating this section, and shall be
confiscated by any officer of this State and destroyed.
(b) It shall be unlawful to hunt, pursue, catch, kill, trap, shoot, or at-
tempt to hunt, pursue, catch, kill, trap or shoot any game except during the
open season as provided by law.
(c) It shall be unlawful to hunt or kill any game on Sundays or when.
the ground is covered with snow; provided, however, that it shall be lawful
to hunt wild fowl when the ground is covered with snow.
(d) Provided, however, it shall be lawful to hunt game during open sea-
son in Garrett, Allegany and Washington Counties when the ground is
covered with snow.
(e) It shall be unlawful to hunt any game at night time. The words
"night time" shall be construed to mean the time beginning with one-half
hour after sunset until sunrise the following day; the time stated by cal-
endar of hour of sunrise and sunset.
(f) Provided, however, an owner of a dog or dogs between September
10th and November 9th, exclusive of both dates, may be permitted to run
or train such dogs on Woodcock, English Ringneck Pheasant, Ruffed
Grouse, Rabbit or Hare, and Partridges (Quail), provided an attendant
accompanies it or them, but in so doing, no person shall bo allowed or per-
mitted to carry a gun or fire-arms of any description.
It shall be unlawful for any person to allow any dog or dogs belonging
to them to run at large on other property than that owned or tenanted by
them between March 1st and September 1st, and pursue game or destroy
the eggs or nest. Any person harboring a dog or dogs shall be termed the
lawful owner of same.
(g) It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, offer for sale, purchase
or offer to purchase, barter, exchange or buy at any time within the State
of Maryland, any bob-white or partridge (quail); chinese ringnecked
pheasant; native pheasant; ruffed grouse, or wild turkey either dead or
alive whether same are caught or killed within the State of Maryland or in
any other State, Territory or Country except live game may be purchased
and kept in captivity for propagation purposes only, upon securing a per-
mit from the Game Warden.
(h) Provided, however, nothing contained in this section, which per-
mits the sale of rabbits shall repeal any local law of any county of this
State, which prior to the Acts of 1927, prohibited either the shipment of
rabbits out of said county for sale or the sale of rabbits within said county.
(i) It shall be unlawful at any time or in any manner to hunt any
Hungarian Partridge. 1
1927, ch. 568, sec. 21.
21. It shall be unlawful for any person to take or kill in any one clay,
while hunting, more game than hereinafter enumerated:
1 Sec. 2 of ch. 557 of the acts of 1929 repealed all laws inconsistent therewith.