Rails and Reedbirds............
.. September 1st to November 30th, in-
Water Fowl..................
November 1st to January 31st, inclu-
Wilson Snipe or Jacksnipe......
November 1st to January 31st, inclu-
Squirrel and Dove.............
September 1st to September 30th, in-
clusive, then closed October 1st to.
November 10th to December 31st, in-
Provided, however, as further protec-
tion to squirrel and dove, it shall be
unlawful to hunt same in the Coun-
ties of Harford, Howard and Balti-
more except between the dates of
November 10th and December
Provided, however, as further protec-
tion to squirrel and dove, it shall be
unlawful to hunt same in Allegany
and Garrett Counties except be-
tween the dates of October 1st and
Woodcock, English Ringneck Pheas-
ant, Ruffed Grouse, Rabbit or
Hare, Wild Turkey, Partridges
(Quail); provided, however, it
shall be unlawful to hunt wild tur-
key and partridges (quail), in Gar-
rett County until the lawful open
season for hunting same in 1931.
Provided, however, it shall be unlaw-
ful to hunt ruffed grouse in Garrett
County, except between the dates
of November 10th and December
1st, inclusive..................
November 10th to December 31st, in-
Male Deer, with six-inch antler.....
May be killed only in Allegany
County, and in Washington Coun-
ty on property enclosed with fence
not less than seven feet in height;
from December 1st to December
15th, inclusive, and in Garrett
-County, December 1st to December
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to set any trap (except box
traps for rabbits), net or snare of any description, for the purpose of tak-