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The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1924
Volume 375, Page 1590   View pdf image (33K)
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1590 ARTICLE 43.

date shall not be permitted to take another examination before either
board until after the expiration of six months from the date of his rejec-
tion; provided, however, that any applicant who has heretofore, during
the previous year before the eleventh day of April, 1902, or who shall
hereafter so fail, shall be credited as having passed in such branches as he
has or shall have been found proficient in, and he shall not be again ex-
amined in said subjects.

Cited but not construed in Scholle v. State, 90 Md. 738.

An. Code, sec. 117. 1904, sec. 88. 1888, sec. 47. 1888, ch. 429, sec. 9. 1892, ch. 296.

1894, ch. 217.

125. Every license to practise medicine and surgery, issued pursuant
to the provisions of this sub-title, shall be subscribed by the president and
secretary of the board before whom the applicant has passed; it shall also
have affixed to it by the person authorized to affix the same, the seal of said
Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland, or of the Maryland State
Homeopathic Medical Society, as the license may require; every such
license to be in the following form and to the following effect:

To all whom it may concern, greeting:

Be it known, that ————, on the ———— day of ————, A. D., having
offered us satisfactory proof that ———— was more than twenty-one years
of age, and had received a proper preliminary education; we therefore
'give a written order for the examination of said ———— before one of the
boards of medical examiners of the State of Maryland; that the said

———— was fully examined before our said board and found proficient
and qualified to practise medicine and surgery, we, therefore, have granted
to said ———— this our license to practise medicine and surgery in the
State of Maryland as a physician and surgeon, and have caused the names
of the president and secretary of our board to be subscribed and the seal
of our society affixed hereto.

Witness our hands and the seal of our said society, this ———— day of

————, A. D. ————, president; ————, secretary.
[Seal of society.]

An. Code, sec. 118. 1904, sec. 89. 1892, ch. 296, sec. 48. 1902, ch. 612. 1904, ch. 690.

126. Any person receiving a license from either of said boards shall
file the same at once with the clerk of the circuit court of the county in
which he or she may reside, or with the clerk of the circuit court of Balti-
more city, if said person shall reside therein, and it shall be the duty of
said clerk to register the name of said person and of the president of the
board signing said license in a book kept for the purpose, as a part of the
records of his office; and the number of the book and the page therein con-
taining said recorded copy shall be noted by said clerk upon the face of said
license. In case said person should, after the recording of such license,
permanently remove his or her residence to some other part of the State,
or to Baltimore city, he or she shall thereupon at once file said license, or
certified copy thereof, for record as aforesaid, with the clerk of the cir-
cuit court of the county or city to which he or she shall have so removed;


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The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1924
Volume 375, Page 1590   View pdf image (33K)
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