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The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1924
Volume 375, Page 1589   View pdf image (33K)
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HEALTH. 1589

may be accepted if the standards of such foreign colleges were, when such
diploma was issued, equivalent to the standard defined by the Association
of American Medical Colleges or the Intercollegiate Committee of the
American Institute of Homeopathy, respectively.

History of this section; it is not unconstitutional as creating an arbitrary classi-
fication. Watson v. State, 105 Md. 653 (affirmed in 218 U. S. 175); Scholle v. State,
90 Md. 739; Criswell v. State, 126 Md. 107.

Sec. 43 of Code of 1888 shows that act of 1892, ch. 296, was intended to apply
to persons commencing the practice of medicine after that act. Manger v. Board
of Examiners, 90 Md. 659; Scholle v. State, 90 Md. 738; Criswell v. State, 126
Md. 107.

See notes to sec. 131.

An. Code, sec. 113. 1904, sec. 84. 1902, ch. 612, sec. 43A.

121. Any physician who may change his residence from the District
of Columbia to the State of Maryland, or who while living in the District
of Columbia shall desire to practice medicine or surgery in the State of
Maryland shall, upon application to the examining board of the State of
Maryland, be entitled to a license without fee and without examination;
provided, that the application be properly endorsed at the time it is pre-
sented by the examining board of the District of Columbia, certifying to
the proficiency and professional standing of the applicant; and provided
further, that the examining board of the District of Columbia shall, under
the laws thereof, grant like and equal privileges to licensed physicians of
this State who may remove to said District of Columbia, or while continu-
ing to reside in this State may desire also to practise in said district.

An. Code, sec. 114. 1904, sec. 85. 1888, sec. 44. 1888, ch. 429, sec. 6. 1892, ch. 296.

122. All examinations shall be conducted in such manner that the
name, school of graduation and preparatory training of said applicant shall
not be made known to the board of examiners until his examination papers
have been graded. An applicant receiving a majority of the votes of the
board before whom the applicant appears shall be considered to have passed
a satisfactory examination and entitled to the license of said board.
Cited but not construed in Scholle v. State, 90 Md. 738.

An. Code, sec. 115. 1904, sec. 86. 1888, sec. 45. 1888, ch. 429, sec. 7. 1892, ch. 296.

1902, ch. 612.

123. A fee of twenty dollars shall be paid to the secretary-treasurer
of the board, before whom the applicant appears, before such examination
is had, which payment shall entitle said applicant to a second examina-
tion, in case of failure, at the expiration of six months and within twelve
months thereafter; said fee to be applied by said board toward paying the
expenses of said board.

Cited but not construed in Scholle v. State, 90 Md. 738.

An. Code, sec. 116. 1904, sec. 87. 1888, sec. 46. 1888, ch. 429, sec. 8. 1892, ch. 296.

1902, ch. 612.

124. The board shall refuse to grant a license to any applicant who
may be radically deficient in his examination in any essential branch;
provided, that in any case of failure at any such examination, the candi-


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The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1924
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