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The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1924
Volume 375, Page 1591   View pdf image (33K)
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HEALTH. 1591

said records shall be opened to public inspection under proper restrictions
as to their safe keeping, and in all legal proceedings shall have the same
weight as evidence that is given to the records of conveyances of lands.
The fees for such registration shall be fifty cents, to be paid by the person
whose license is registered. The clerk of the superior court of Baltimore
city is authorized and directed to turn over to the clerk of the circuit court
of Baltimore city the register or registers of licensed physicians which he
has been required to keep under and by virtue of the said chapter 612 of
the acts of 1902.

This section referred to in construing secs. 120 and 136—see notes thereto.
Watson v. State, 105 Md. 651; Watson v. Maryland, 218 U. S. 174.

An. Code, sec. 119. 1904, sec. 90. 1892, ch. 296, sec. 50.

127. Any person to whom the provisions of this sub-title applies, prac-
tising or attempting to practise medicine or surgery in this State, without
first having obtained the license of one of said boards of medical examin-
ers, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall pay a fine of not less than
fifty dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense, or in
default of payment shall be confined in the city or county jail until the
fines and costs are paid, and shall be debarred from recovering compensa-
tion for services rendered as such physician or surgeon.

An. Code, sec. 120. 1904, sec. 91. 1892, ch. 296. 1902, ch. 612, sec. 52.

128. Said boards shall make a report to the Medical and Chirurgical
Faculty of Maryland and the Maryland State Homeopathic Medical So-
ciety, respectively, at each annual meeting of said respective societies.

An. Code, sec. 121. 1904, sec. 92. 1902, ch. 612, sec. 52A.

129. Said board shall upon request issue certificates of professional
standing to physicians moving out of the State.

An. Code, sec. 122. 1904, sec. 93. 1894, ch. 217, sec. 53.

130. From and after the first day of July, 1894, no person shall prac-
tice medicine or surgery in the State of Maryland, unless he or she shall
be duly registered as a physician or surgeon, in accordance with the pro-
visions of this sub-title of this article.

This section and secs. 359 and 361 referred to as drawing a definite distinction
between licensed physicians and licensed osteopaths. This section referred to in
upholding the validity of sec. 360—see notes thereto. Keiningham v. Blake, 135
Md. 321...

An. Code, sec. 123. 1904, sec. 94. 1894, ch. 217, sec. 54. 1896, ch. 194.

131. Every person who was practising medicine in the State of Mary-
land on or before the first day of June, 1892, shall be entitled to be reg-
istered as a physician or surgeon, or both, upon making application to the
president of either board of state medical examiners, which application
shall be in writing and verified by the oath of said applicant, taken be-
fore any officer entitled to administer oaths under the law of this State,
and shall state that the applicant was a duly qualified lawful practitioner


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The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1924
Volume 375, Page 1591   View pdf image (33K)
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