made at the same time as the Baltimore City registration in the Fall
of 1918, and shall provide for holding the Municipal Primary and
General Elections in all of said precincts in the Spring of 1919 and
all elections thereafter. All existing laws applicable to the registration
of voters and to the Municipal Primary and General Elections in the
Spring of 1919, within the limits of Baltimore City, as they existed
prior to the passage of this Act, are hereby made applicable to the
registration herein directed and to the Municipal Primary and General
Elections in the Spring of 1919, hereby directed to be held by the
Supervisors of Elections of Baltimore City in the territory comprised
within the boundaries of the hereinabove specified Wards 25, 26, 27
and 28. Provided, however, that if the Supervisors of Elections of
Baltimore City should be unable to hold the registration herein pro-
vided for in said Wards 25, 26, 27 and 28 on the same days as the
registration in Baltimore City, as it existed prior to this Act, in the
Fall of 1918, then they are hereby authorized to appoint such other
days as, in their judgment, may be suitable and sufficient for the pur-
pose, at any time prior to the Municipal Primary in Baltimore City in
1919, and hold said registration in said Wards 25, 26, 27 and 28 on
such other days so appointed, after having given the same notice which
is required to be given for registration in Baltimore City by Section
14 of Article 33 of the Code. The Primary election for the nomination
of candidates for Congress in the year 1918 and the general election in
November, 1918, within the territory annexed by this Act to Balti-
more City, shall be held by the Supervisors of Elections of Baltimore
County and Anne Arundel County, respectively, just as if this Act had
not been passed. All voters qualified to vote for members of the House
of Delegates, and registered as hereinabove provided, or as hereafter
provided by law, in the precincts comprising said Wards 25, 26, 27
and 28, respectively, shall be qualified and entitled to vote in the
Municipal Primary and General elections to be held in the Spring of
1919, and all elections thereafter.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted. That, until otherwise provided
by law, said Ward 26 shall be included in and be a part of the First
Legislative District of Baltimore City, and said Ward 27 shall be
included in and be a part of the Second Legislative District of Balti-
more City, and said Ward 28 shall be included in and be a part of the
Third Legislative District of Baltimore City, and said Ward 25 shall
be included in and be a part of the Fourth Legislative District of Balti-
more City.
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That, until otherwise provided
by law, the portions of Baltimore County and Anne Arundel County
which are by this Act annexed to Baltimore City shall remain in the
same Congressional District of which they now, respectively, form parts,
but the Congressional as well as all other elections to be held therein