Ward 25. Shall comprise all of the new territory annexed to the
city by this Act lying southerly of the line beginning where the boun-
dary line established by this Act crosses the centre line of Frederick
road; thence easterly, along the centre line of Frederick road to the
western, and thence south to the southern boundary of Baltimore City
as said western and southern boundary lines existed prior to the passage
of this Act; thence, following said pre-existing southern boundary line
of the city, to the eastern boundary line of the city as it existed prior
to the passage of this Act; thence easterly, along the North Shore of
the North Branch of the Patapsco River, to the point where said north
shore line intersects the eastern boundary line of Baltimore City estab-
lished by this Act.
Ward 26. Shall comprise all the territory lying between the eastern
boundary line of the city as it existed prior to the passage of this Act
and the eastern boundary line of the city as established by this Act, and
between the north shore of he North Branch of the Patapsco River and
the center line of Belair road.
Ward 27. Shall comprise all of the new territory annexed to the
city by this Act lying between the northern boundary line of the city
as it existed prior to the passage of this Act and the northern boundary
line of the city as established by this Act, and between the center line
of the Belair road and the center line of the Reisterstown road.
Ward 28. Shall comprise all the new territory annexed to the city
by this Act lying between the center line of the Reisterstown road and
the center line of Frederick road and between the northern and western
boundaries of the city as they existed prior to the passage of this Act
and the western boundary of the city as established by this Act.
The duly qualified and registered voters in each of the said new
wards shall be entitled to elect one Member of the First Branch City
Council, and the duly qualified and registered voters in Wards 25 and
26 together shall be entitled to elect one Member of the Second Branch
City Council, and the duly qualified and registered voters in Wards 27
and 28 together shall be entitled to elect one Member of the Second
Branch City Council.
At the regular councilmanic election in May, 1919, the said Mem-
bers of the First and Second Branches of the City Council shall be
elected to serve for a term of four years, as provided in Sections 212
and 213 of the Revised Charter of Baltimore City.
As soon as they conveniently can, after the passage of this Act, the
Board or Supervisors of Elections for Baltimore City shall divide each
of said Wards 25, 26, 27 and 28, into election precincts conveniently
arranged, having regard to the population and area, and the said Board
of Supervisors of Elections shall provide suitable places for registration
and polling places in all of said precincts, and shall cause a new regis-
tration of all persons entitled to vote in all of said precincts, to be