after January 1, 1919, shall be conducted by the Supervisors of Elec-
tions of Baltimore City.
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That the Board of Supervisors
of Elections of Baltimore County are hereby directed to provide new
polling places for, or to so amend their election precincts as to include
within existing election precincts, all registered voters residing in Bal-
timore County outside of the limits of Baltimore City as fixed by this
Act and who have heretofore been registered in election precincts whose
polling places were located within the territory annexed by this Act to
Baltimore City; and the Board of Supervisors of Elections of Anne
Arundel County shall, in like manner, provide new polling places or
rearrange existing precincts so as to provide polling places for all regis-
tered voters of Anne Arundel County outside of the limits of Baltimore
City as fixed by this Act and who have heretofore been registered in
election precincts the polling places of which were located within the
territory annexed by this Act to Baltimore City.
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That persons resident and prop-
erty situate within the territory which by this Act is annexed to Balti-
more City shall become subject to taxation for local city purposes begin-
ning with the city levy, to be made in the fall of 1918, for the year
1919. And the Treasurer of Baltimore County and the Treasurer of
Anne Arundel County are hereby respectively authorized to collect all
State Taxes levied for the year 1918, and the proportion to December
31, 1918, of all county and other local taxes, if any, levied for the
fiscal year 1918-1919, and all taxes for previous years which may not
have been paid, to the same extent as if this Act had not been passed.
The said Treasurers are hereby directed, in making out the bills for
local taxes for the fiscal year 1918-1919, to deduct such proportion
thereof as the time from December 31, 1918, to the end of said fiscal
year shall bear to the whole year. The obligation of maintaining a
police force for preserving the peace and of maintaining a fire depart-
ment as a protection against fire, and of maintaining the public high-
ways and public schools and of performing every other governmental or
municipal function heretofore performed by the County Commissioners
or other public officials in the territory which is by this Act annexed
to Baltimore City (except the duties hereinabove imposed upon the
Supervisors of Elections of Baltimore City), shall continue to rest upon
the County Commissioners of Baltimore County and the County Com-
missioners of Anne Arundel County, respectively, or other public offi-
cials, until December 31, 1918, inclusive. Beginning with January 1,
1919, all these obligations shall pass to the Mayor and City Council of
Baltimore or other public officials of Baltimore and the County Com-
missioners of Baltimore County and Anne Arundel County, respectively,
shall be thereafter relieved therefrom.
SEC. 9. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and City Coun-
cil of Baltimore shall pay to the Treasurer of Baltimore County, for