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The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1918
Volume 374, Page 42   View pdf image (33K)
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Bank Commissioner.
2. Deputy commissioner and clerks;
7. Examination of banking institu-
14. Information secret — penalty; ex-
ceptions. Information to federal
reserve bank.
22. Articles of incorporation; investi-
gation of incorporators ; approval
or rejection of articles; record;
23. Powers of corporation.
Savings Institutions.
31. Articles of association; investiga-
tion of incorporators; approval
or rejection of articles; record;
fees ; by-laws ; directors.
38. Statement of deposits inactive for
twenty years.
Trust Companies.
43. Articles of incorporation ; investi-
gation of incorporators ; approval
or rejection of charter; record;
fees; publication.
46. Powers of corporation.'
General Regulations.
54. Amendment of charter; increase
or reduction of capital.
56. Reports — publication.
62B. Demand deposits and time depos-
its defined.
62C. Members of federal reserve sys-
tem, reserves required of.
75. Persons not subject to this article
not to represent themeselves as
maintaining banking institution ;
penalty ; proviso.
Bank Commissioner.
1910, ch. 219, sec. 2 (p. 7). 1914, ch. 805, sec. 2. 1918, ch. 33, sec. 2.
2. The Bank Commissioner may, with the approval of the Governor,
appoint, and with his consent, remove a Deputy Bank Commissioner,
at a salary not exceeding two thousand five hundred dollars per annum,
and not more than four clerks or examiners, at salaries not exceeding
fifteen hundred" dollars per annum each, as the public business in his
charge may require. Whenever it becomes necessary for the Bank Com-
missioner to take charge of a failed banking institution, as receiver, as
provided in this article, he may appoint such additional clerks as he
may deem necessary for the purpose of such receivership; the salaries
of such clerks to be paid out of the funds of the failed banking institu-
tion. The Deputy Bank Commissioner and the office clerks shall give
bond in such sums as the Governor and the Bank Commissioner may
determine for the faithful performance of their respective duties, said
bonds to be approved by the Governor and the cost to be charged as
expense of the office.

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The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1918
Volume 374, Page 42   View pdf image (33K)
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