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The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1918
Volume 374, Page 43   View pdf image (33K)
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1910, ch. 219, sec. 7 (p. 8). 1912, ch. 194, sec. 'V. 1918, ch. 33, sec. 7.
7. The Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner, or an Examiner ap-
pointed by the Commissioner shall at least once in each year, and when-
ever he considers it expedient, visit, each banking institution in this
State, other than National Banks. At such visits he shall in the pres-
ence of one of the officers of the institution, have free access to the
vaults, books and papers, and he shall inspect and examine the affairs
of the institution, to ascertain its condition and see whether it complies
with the provisions of law.
1910, ch. 219, sec. 14 (p. 9). 1914, ch. 805, sec. 14. 1918, ch. 33, sec. 14.
14. The Bank 'Commissioner, his deputy, attorney and every clerk
or examiner in his department shall be bound by oath to keep secret
all the facts and information obtained in the course of such examina-
tion, except so far as the public duty of such officer requires him to
report upon or take special action regarding the affairs of any banking
institution, and except when called as a witness in any criminal pro-
ceeding or trial in a Court of Justice. If any Bank Commissioner,
deputy, clerk or examiner in such department shall disclose the name
of any debtor of any banking institution, or anything relative to the
private accounts or transactions of such institution, or shall disclose any
fact discovered in the course of his examination, except as herein pro-
vided, he shall be subject, on conviction thereof, to forfeiture of his
office, and to the payment of not more than one thousand dollars or
imprisonment not more than two years, or both.
Provided, that upon the request of any banking institution which
desires and has made application for membership in or which is a mem-
ber of the Federal Reserve System, together with the request of the
Federal Reserve Bank of the District in which said institution is located,
or its duly authorized representative, the Bank Commissioner is author-
ized to furnish the said Federal Reserve Bank with all facts -and infor-
mation at any time in his possession concerning any such banking
1910, ch. 219, sec. 22 (p. 11). 1914, ch. 805, sec. 22. 1918, ch. 33, sec. 22.
22. The articles of incorporation shall be executed in triplicate by
the persons joining therein before any officer authorized to take acknowl-
edgments, and then filed with the Bank Commissioner for examination.
The Bank Commissioner shall thereupon ascertain from the best sources
of information at his command, and by such investigation as he may
deem necessary, whether the character, responsibility and general fitness
of the person or persons, named in such certificate, are such as to com-
mand confidence and warrant belief that the business of the proposed
corporation will be honestly and efficiently conducted in accordance
with the intent and purposes of this Article, and whether the public
convenience and advantage will be promoted by allowing such proposed

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The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1918
Volume 374, Page 43   View pdf image (33K)
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