1916, ch. 551.
11. The assent of the State of Maryland is hereby given to the
purposes, provisions and requirements of the grant made by said Act,
H. R. No. 7951 of the Second Session of the Sixty-third Congress, ap-
proved by the President May 8, 1914, and the Maryland Agricultural
College is hereby designated as the institution entitled to receive the
benefits of the said Act and the Trustees of the said Maryland Agri-
cultural College are hereby authorized and empowered to receive the
grants of money appropriated under said Act and to organize and con-
duct the Agricultural Extension work which shall be carried on in
connection with said College or the State of Maryland in accordance
with the terms and conditions expressed in the Act of Congress afore-
The assent of the State of Maryland to the grants of money for the
purposes, upon the terms and in accordance with the several condi-
tions and provisions contained in said Act, is hereby signified and ex-
pressed and the Secretary of the State is hereby directed to transmit
a certified copy of this Act to the Treasurer of the United States and
to the Secretary of Agriculture of the United States.
Agricultural Pair Associations.*
1904, art. 23, sec. 17. 1892, ch. 670. 1894, ch. 420. 1906, ch. 746.
12. With the view of promoting, encouraging and fostering agri-
culture in this State, the sum of five thousand dollars is hereby appro-
priated annually for the purpose of aiding the agricultural fairs now
existing, or those which may hereafter be organized in this State, to
be equally divided among said fair associations, and to be paid them
by the Treasurer upon the warrant of the Comptroller of the Treasury,
by said associations complying with the provisions of this sub-title.
1904, art. 23, sec. 17. 1892, ch. 670. 1894, ch, 420. 1906, ch. 746. 1918, ch. 293
13. Any county in this State, which or whose citizens shall subscribe
for and pay up a capital stock of not less than twenty-five hundred
dollars, or shall acquire and pay for real estate and improvements
thereon to the said value of not less than twenty-five hundred dollars,
and shall be duly incorporated under the laws of this State as a fair
association, upon filing a certified copy of the certificate of incorpora-
*The act of 1918, chapter 293, repeals and re-enacts section 2 of the act of
1906, chapter 746, which in turn repealed and re-enacted the act of 1894, chapter
420, which latter was codified in the code of 1904, as article 23, section 17. The
act of 1908, chapter 240, which revised the corporation law of the state, repealed
section 17 of article 23, without, however, mentioning the act of 1906, chapter
746, but on the theory that the act of 1908 repealed the act of 1906, the latter
was not codified in the Annotated Code. In view of the repeal and re-enactment
of section 2 of the act of 1906, chapter 746, by the act of 1918, chapter 293, and
of the decision of the Court of Appeals of Maryland in Baltimore v. German-
American Fire Ins. Co. (filed April 2. 1918), it is thought best to here codify the
act of 1906 as amended by the act of 1918, appending this explanation, so that
those interested may reach their own conclusions