tion, and the affidavit of the president of such association that the stock
has been fully paid up or the property acquired and paid for the
amount herein required with the Comptroller, shall be entitled to the
benefits of this sub-title; provided, that but one association in each
county shall be entitled to the benefits derived under this sub-title.
1904, art. 23, sec. 17. 1892, ch. 670. 1894, ch. 420. 1906, ch. 746.
14. Any existing association in this State or which may be hereafter
organized desiring to avail itself of the provisions of this sub-title, is
hereby required to forward to the Comptroller of the Treasury, on before
the first Monday in December of each year, a statement, under the hand
of its president, attested by the treasurer and the corporate seal of such
association, giving in detail the financial condition of said association
for the year immediately preceding such application.