animal feeds, seeds, fertilizers, agricultural lime, agricultural and hor-
ticultural chemicals, and biological products; and shall secure informa-
tion and statistics in relation thereto and publish such information,
statistics and the results of such investigations at such times and in
such manner as to it shall seem best adapted to the efficient dissemina-
tion thereof; and except where such powers and duties are by law con-
ferred or laid upon other boards, commissions or officials, the State
Board of Agriculture shall have general supervision, direction and con-
trol of the herein recited matters and generally of all matters in any
way affecting or relating to the fostering, protection and development
cf the agricultural interests of the State, including the encouragement
of desirable immigration thereto, with power and authority to issue
rules and regulations in respect thereof not in conflict with the Con-
stitution and Laws of the State or the United States, which shall have
the force and effect of law, and all violations of which shall be punished
as misdemeanors are punished at common law; and where such powers
and duties are by law conferred or laid on other governmental agencies
the State Board of Agriculture and such other governmental agencies
may co-operate in the execution and performance thereof, and when so
co-operating each shall be vested with such authority as is now or
may hereafter by law be conferred on the other. The powers and duties
herein recited shall be in addition to and not in limitation of any power
and duties which now are or hereafter may be conferred or laid upon
said Board.
1916, ch. 391, sec. 8.
8. The State Board of Agriculture shall make a written report to
the General Assembly of Maryland at the beginning of its regular ses-
sions of the work performed by it and of its receipts and expenditures,
and of such other matters as the Governor shall direct; and shall also
make reports to the Governor at such times and upon such matters as he
shall direct.
1916, ch. 391, sec. 9.
9. The State Board of Agriculture is empowered to call upon all
sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, constables, policemen and other officers of the
City of Baltimore, or of any County, for information and assistance
to carry out and enforce the provisions of its rules and regulations and
it shall be the duty of all such named officers to obey and observe all
orders and instructions which they may receive from said Board for
the enforcement of all the provisions of this Article within their respec-
tive jurisdictions, and they shall be paid as for the performance of sim-
ilar duties under existing laws.
1916, ch. 391, sec. 10.
10. It shall be the duty of all State's Attorneys to prosecute all per-
sons accused of violating the provisions of this Article.