every year as the term of the members appointed in the year 1916, and
their successors, may expire.*
As to duties of board of agriculture relative to live stock, see article 58,
section 1 et seq.
See notes to this section in volume 1 of the Annotated Code.
1908, ch. 161. 1916, ch. 391, sec. 2.
2. The State Board of Agriculture, immediately after its organiza-
tion, is empowered to make reasonable rules and by-laws not in conflict
with the Constitution and Laws of this State for its regulation and
guidance, and repeal or amend the same as occasion may require. It
shall employ such executive officers, heads of departments, specialists,
clerks, inspectors and assistants of every kind as it may deem necessary
to carry out in a thorough manner all powers and duties now or here-
after assigned to it, prescribe their duties and fix their compensation,
and the salaries of such employees shall be payable out of such funds as
are now or may hereafter be appropriated to said Board for the gen-
eral purposes thereof or for specific purposes, as designated from time
to time. The executive officers and heads of departments shall be ap-
pointed by a majority of the whole board, and shall not be removed
from office except by a majority vote of the whole Board, when in their
judgment the good of the work demands. The Board may also delegate
the power to employ and discharge employees to executive officers or
beads of departments. The Board shall establish an office or offices for
the transaction of its business at such place or places as to it shall seem
most expedient, and is empowered to do any and all things necessary
or proper for the performance of its duties.
1910, ch. 391, sec. 7.
7. The State Board of Agriculture' shall investigate the conditions
surrounding the breeding, raising and marketing of live stock, and the
products thereof, and contagious and infectious diseases affecting the
same; the raising, distribution and sale of farm, orchard, forest and
nursery products, .generally, and plant diseases and injurious insects
affecting the same; the preparation, manufacture, quality, analysis, in-
spection, control and distribution of animal and vegetable products,
*The act of 1916, chapter 372, incorporates the Maryland State College of
Agriculture, provides for trustees thereof and their meetings, for the officers of
said college and their salaries, prescribes the powers of the trustees and officers,
confers upon the state college of agriculture all endowments now owned by the
Maryland Agricultural College, imposes upon the former all the powers and
duties devolving upon the latter, names the state college of agriculture to receive
appropriations and grants coming from the United States government, and vests
in said corporation all propeity used or operated by, or in the possession of.
the Maryland Agricultural College and the Maryland Agricultural Experiment
Station, and provides that the attorney general of Maryland shall be the legal
adviser of the trustees.
The act of 1916, chapter 225, directs the Governor to appoint the same per-
sons upon the board of trustees of the Maryland State College of Agriculture
and the state board of agriculture.