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Session Laws, 1912
Volume 370, Page 903   View pdf image
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AN ACT to authorize the County Commissioners of Montgomery
County to establish and define water and sewer districts in
said county, and with power to construct water mains and
sewers, and extensions of both, in such districts, and to issue
special tax bills in payment of the same, which said bills
shall become a lien upon the property within each said dis-
trict charged therewith, and to provide for the maintenance
and use of such sewers and water mains in said districts.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the County Commissioners of Montgomery County
be, and they are hereby, authorized and empowered in order
to accomplish, the purposes of this Act, to construct sewers and
water mains and extensions of both, in any district or portion
of Montgomery County upon petition of one-half of the tax-
paying voters resident within said district or districts with full
power to more completely define such districts and with power
to construct such water mains and sewers and extensions of
both and to issue special tax bills in payment of the same,
which such special tax bills shall become a first lien upon the
property within each said district charged therewith, and to
provide for the use and maintenance of such sewers and mains,
and for this purpose, all of the powers and authority vested in
the County Commissioners of Montgomery County by an Act
of the General Assembly, entitled "An Act to create a water
and sewer district to be known as Silver Spring Park in Mont-
gomery County, are given to and vested in said County Com-
missioners and may be exercised by them for the purposes of
this' Act, and with respect to any water or sewer district within
Montgomery County, but which shall not include any part or
portion of any municipality within said County.

SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.

Approved April 11, 1912.


AN ACT to authorize the commissioners of Thurmont, in Fred-
erick county, to borrow three thousand dollars by issue of
bonds or other obligations of said commissioners of Thur-
mont to repay amount heretofore borrowed to complete the


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Session Laws, 1912
Volume 370, Page 903   View pdf image
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