904 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [Ch. 629]
purchase of the Electric Light and Power Plant of the Citi-
zens' Electric Light and Power Company of Thurmont as
authorized by the Act of 1910, Chapter 9.
WHEREAS, By the act of the General Assembly of Maryland
of 1910, Chapter 9, the commissioners of Thurmont, a munic-
ipal corporation of Frederick county, were authorized to own
and operate the electric light and power plant, erected by the
Citizens' Electric Light and Power Company of Thurmont
and to issue bonds in the name of said municipal corpora-
tion to an amount not exceeding eighteen thousand dollars
to raise money to pay for said electric light and power plant
with its properties and rights, as will fully appear by said
Act of 1910, Chapter 9, it being then estimated said sum of
eighteen, thousand dollars would be sufficient to pay the cost
of said plant and properties; and,
WHEREAS, Said bonds were issued and the money obtained
thereby was applied as in said act directed, but it was found
that said plant, when completed, cost twenty-one thousand
dollars, and said commissioners, in order to obtain a good
title to said plant with its rights and properties, were com-
pelled to borrow ah additional sum of three thousand dollars,
which it is desired to repay; now, therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the action of said commissioners of Thurmont in
borrowing the sum of three thousand dollars to complete the
purchase of the electric light and power plant with the prop-
erties and rights connected therewith from the Citizens' Elec-
tric Light and Power Company as authorized by the Act of
1910, Chapter 9, is hereby approved and the said commission-
ers of Thurmont are hereby authorized and empowered to issue
additional bonds to an amount not exceeding three thousand
dollars, in the denomination of one hundred dollars each, pay-
able twenty years after date to bearer, redeemable, however,
at the pleasure of said commissioners of Thurmont at any time
after the expiration of three years from their respective dates,
to bear interest in the meantime at the rate of five per cent,
per annum, payable semi-annually, according to the tenor of
the coupons for said interest to be attached to said bonds,
which said bonds shall be sealed with the corporate seal of
the said corporation, and, together with said coupons, shall be