882 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [Ch. 606]
elected. * The Executive Committee for the first year shall be
as follows:
S. Davies Warfield, Baltimore Md.; E. O. Brener, Baton
Rouge, La., Ben B. Cain, Dallas, Texas; J. N. Camden, Ver-
sailles, Ky.; George H. Campbell, Baltimore, Md.; J. C. Clair,
Chicago, Ill.; John J. Cornwell, Bomney, W. Va.; W. J. Craig,
Wilmington, N. C.; George C. Crawford, Birmingham, Ala.;
L. E. Davis, Natchez, Miss.; James B. Dodge, Jacksonville,
Fla.; John M. Green, Baltimore, Md.; Samuel A. Hughes, St
Louis, Mo.; G. W. Koiner, Richmond, Va.; F. H. La Baume,
Roanoke, Va.; W. H. Leahy, Atlanta, Ga.; W. S. Lee, Char-
lotte, N. C.; E. F. Maddox, Atlanta, Ga.; J. S. Mullen, Ard-
more, Okla.; G. A. Park, Louisville, Ky., T. F. Peck, Nash-
ville, Tenn.; J. A. Pride, Norfolk, Va.; E. R. Rattere, Little
Rock, Ark.; M. V. Richards, Washington, D. C.; E. W. Rob-
ertson, Columbia, S. C.; John Sebastian, Chicago, Ills.; James
E. Smith, St. Louis, Mo.; Rutledge Smith, Cookeville, Tenn.;
W. P. Taylor, Richmond, Va.; G. B. Wall, Richmond, Va.;
J. C. Whitney, Baltimore, Md.
The Executive Committee shall have power to adopt by-laws
from time to time for the government and control of the said
organization, subject to the limitations contained in this act,
and shall have power to add additional members to the organi-
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That said organization
shall have and enjoy all the general powers, provisions, and
privileges and be subject to to the general regulations contained
in Article 23 of the Code of Public General Laws of Maryland,
relating to the formation, powers, and regulations of corpora-
tions, so far as the same may not be inconsistent or in conflict
with the special and general powers, privileges, rights and
advantages conferred or intended to be conferred by this act.
SEC. 9. And be it further enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 11, 1912.
AN ACT to add a new section to Article 48 of the Code of
Public General Laws of Maryland of 1904, entitled "Inspec-
tion," sub-title "Tobacco," such section to be known as sec-
tion 51 A.