600 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [Ch. 428]
Baltimore is hereby authorized to acquire, by purchase or con-
demnation, all such land, improvements, or other property, as
may be reasonably required for said purposes; and the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore is hereby further authorized to
construct said bridge either in a direct line from a point on
the city side of said Patapsco River to a point in Anne Arundel
county, or to construct said bridge from a point on the city
side across to a point in Baltimore county, and thence across to
the Anne Arundel county side, and, in the latter event, it is
authorized to acquire, by purchase or condemnation, all such
land and other property as may be reasonably required or
needed for the purpose of abutments or approaches or con-
nections of said bridge to, with, or over, the point in Baltimore
county, as well as all such land and other property as may be
reasonably required or needed in Baltimore City and Anne
Arundel county for the abutments or approaches to the termini
of said bridge; and this provision shall receive a liberal con-
struction, so as to permit the City of Baltimore to acquire all
land or other property that may be reasonably deemed requisite
to be owned, in connection with said bridge and the control of
the abutments and approaches to, and connections with or
between the same, in Baltimore City, in Anne Arundel county,
and in Baltimore county, if the Mayor and City Council of
Baltimore shall determine to build said bridge by way of Balti-
more county.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That in the construction
of said bridge, there shall be constructed a sufficient draw, or
draws or roller lift bridge or bridges, over the navigable part of
said river at such point or points as are traversed by vessels for
the passing and repassing of vessels by day and night; and the
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore shall also maintain a
keeper or keepers for said draw or draws, or roller lift bridge
or bridges, who shall open the same for the free passage of
vessels whenever vessels desire to pass. The appointment and
compensation of such keeper or keepers shall be such as may be
prescribed by ordinance of the Mayor and City Council of Balti-
more. And the said Mayor and City Council of Baltimore is
hereby charged with the duty of maintaining and lighting said
bridge and the approaches thereto, and keeping the same in
repair and proper condition.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That when, and so often
as, resort shall be had to condemnation proceedings, under this
act, the procedure, so far as the acquisition, by condemnation, of
any land or property or thing situated within the City of Balti-
more, or any interest, franchise, easement, right or privilege