568 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [Ch. 401]
receive the taxes and other moneys due the town and deliver
same to the treasurer, keeping a record of each item. The
treasurer shall keep all moneys belonging to the town and dis-
burse the same only in accordance with the ordinances and
the orders of the Council. The clerk and the treasurer shall
each give bond to the Council in such penalties and with such
sureties as the Council may require. The marshal shall pre-
serve the peace and good order of the town, and for this pur-
pose he is invested with the same power and authority as con-
stables now have or may have hereafter under the laws of this
State, within the corporate limits of said town. The health
officer shall make as frequent inspection as may be necessary to
maintain the public health and sanitary condition of the town,
and for this purpose he is invested with the same authority as
any health officer of the State within the corporate limits of
said town.
SEC. 9. The Mayor shall have all the powers of a justice of
the peace in criminal cases where the town of Brentwood is a
party, and shall receive the same fees allowed' justices of the
peace in similar cases; and an appeal from his judgment when
the demand or fine exceeds five dollars may be taken to the Cir-
cuit Court for the county, which shall hear and determine the
matter as upon appeals from justices of the peace.
SEC. 10. The Council is hereby authorized to make or cause
to be made a plat of said town, upon which shall be showen all
streets, roads, and public ways whether theretofore or hereafter
laid out or projected, and by which all lots and property therein
shall hereafter be described; to control the subdivision of all
land and property within the corporate limits of said town; to
establish building lines and to require all persons erecting
building in said town to conform thereto to establish the grades
of the streets, guthers, and sidewalks of said town and to fix
the width thereof to open and keep open and free from obstruc-
tion all streets and public reservation, to grade, close or alter
the same; and their rights, powers and duties in relation thereto
shall except as hereinafter otherwise prescribed, be the same
as is provided by the Code of Public General Laws of this
State for opening, altering and closing, public roads by the
board of County Commissioners, with the right to appeal to the
Circuit Court for the county.
SEC. 11. The Council shall have the power, and it shall
be their duty to pass such ordinances as may be necessary bene-
ficial and proper and for the enforcement of the provisions of
this charter consistent with the law; to perserve the peace, good
order and best interests of the town. To provide for the main-