tenance of an efficient police force. To keep the streets, cross-
ings and sidewalks clean and in repair. To provide for the
necessary lighting of streets, sidewalks and crosswalks. To
authorize the use of the streets for railways and other pur-
poses, to regulate the same as to grades, crossings, paving,
repairing and running of cars. To impose a tax on fowls,
dogs, or other animals running at large, or to prohibit the
same. To maintain the public health and cleanliness of the
town. To provide for the necessary inspection of all prem-
ises. To prohibit within the corporate limits any business that
would injuriously effect the sanitary condition thereof. To
regulate the location inspection and cleaning of stables, pens,
cowyards, dairies, factories and other places of business likely
to become detrimental to health. To prevent the sale of adulter-
ated or decayed food, and suppress and remove all nuisance.
To specify the character of the fixtures of all outhouses or
closets, and regulate the mode of removal of the contents and
disposal of the same, and to regulate or prohibit the construc-
tion or maintenance of cess-pools, or other depositories of filth
within the corporate limits. To prescribe, fines, penalties and
forfeitures for the violations of their ordinances, including
the committal of offenders, to the county jail or a police station
till the penalty and costs are paid.
SEC. 12. The Council shall have the same power as the
State Board of Health within the corporate limits of said town.
They may adopt and provide an efficient system of drainage.
They may adopt suitable measures for the removal of garbage
and sewage, and fix the amount to be paid therefore.
SEC. 13. On or before the first Monday in June in each
year the Council shall levy a tax on all the real and personal!
property within the corporate limits of said town which shall
not in any of the first five years, exceed twenty cents on the
hundred dollars worth of assessable property in accordance
with its last valuation by the county assessors, and shall not
be increased to mofe than thirty cents a year on the same within
the next five years, without the approval of a two-thirds
majority of the voters of said town.
SEC. 14. All taxes levied by the Council shall be due and
payable immediately upon the levy thereof at the office of the
clerk and the ordinance providing for the levy of taxes, shall
of itself constitute the authority for the same, and no other
warrant or evidence of authority shall be requested. If any
taxpayer shall fail to pay all the taxes due on his property
within thirty days from the levy thereof the claim shall be put
into the hands of the Marshal with authority to collect the same