preventing unauthorized persons from killing certain birds and
animals, no person or persons over the age of twelve years
shall at any time hunt, pursue or kill with a gun, partridge
(quail), woodcock, English pheasants, pheasants (ruffed
grouse), snipe, doves, water fowl, rabbit or squirrel, reed birds,
rails or other birds, or wild animals that are protected by a
closed season, in which it shall be unlawful to kill them during
any part of the year without first having procured a license to
so hunt, pursue or kill, and then only during the respective
periods of the year when it shall be lawful to hunt, pursue or
kill such above enumerated birds or animals. The said license
shall be procured from the clerk of the Circuit Court for
Dorchester County in the following manner, to wit: The appli-
cant shall fill out and file in the office of the said clerk a blank
application to be furnished by the County Game Warden
through the clerk of the Circuit Court for said county, staving
the name, age, color, height, color of eyes and hair, occupation
and place of residence of applicant. The applicant, if a non-
resident of the State of Maryland, shall pay to the said clerk
of the said Court at the time of filing his or her application the
sum of ten dollars ($10.00), but if a resident of any other than
Dorchester county in the State, the sum of $5.00 as a license
fee; if a non-resident applicant is a land owner to the assessed
value of five hundred, dollars ($500.00) in Dorchester county,
in which case he or she shall pay a fee of one dollar ($1.00)
as a resident license; and if a resident of Dorchester county,
the applicant shall pay to the clerk of the said Court the sum
of one dollar ($1.00), as a license fee. The said clerk shall
thereupon issue a license, to be supplied to the said clerk of
the said county by the County Game Warden, and said license
shall bear the signature of the County Game Warden and the
seal of the Circuit Court of the said county, and shall be coun-
tersigned by the said clerk. Such license shall be void on the
1st day of June of each year following the date of its issue.
From the licensed fees so received the clerk shall retain the
sum of one dollar ($1.00) from each non-resident license, and
the sum of ten cents from each resident license for issuing
same, and shall deliver the license properly executed to the
applicant or mail it to him or her without further cost. Such
license shall not be transferable, and if it shall be used or
presented by any person other than the person to whom it is
issued, such license shall be confiscated by the County Game
Warden, his deputy or any constable, sheriff or deputy sheriff,
who shall find such license being used.