1915. Before entering upon the discharge of his duties the
said County Road Engineer shall give bond to the State of
Maryland with a surety company in the sum of two thousand
dollars ($2,000), conditioned for the faithful performance of
the duties imposed upon him by this act; said bond shall be
approved by the County Commissioners and recorded in the
clerk's office in Harford county, and the premium thereon shall
be paid by the County Commissioners.
73c. It shall be the duty of the County Commissioners of
Harford County, whenever the office of the County Road Engi-
neer shall become vacant by death, resignation or removal from
office, to appoint within sixty days from the date of such
vacancy, some person with the qualifications prescribed in sec-
tion 73B to fill out the unexpired terms, but nothing in this
act shall prevent the County Commissioners, in their judgment,
from re-appointing the same County Road Engineer, for a
second or any number of terms that they may think proper.
73D. The said County Road Engineer shall give his whole
time and attention to the duties of this office and shall not be
liable to removal from office for any reason other than incompe-
tency or wilful neglect of duty, and then upon the sworn com-
plaint of ten or more resident taxpayers of Harford county,
to be filed with said County Commissioners, or upon the com-
plaint of the clerk of the said County Commissioners, filed by
their direction, and every such complaint shall state specifically
the nature and character of the charges preferred, of which
due notice and a copy of said complaint shall be given the said
County Road Engineer; and if the said County Commissioners,
after hearing said charges (at which hearing the engineer and
the parties making complaint shall be entitled to be represented
by counsel, and to produce any competent testimony), shall find
that said County Road Engineer is incompetent, or has been
guilty of wilful neglect of duty, it shall be their duty to imme-
diately remove said County Road Engineer from office; but
either party to such hearing shall be entitled to an appeal from
the decision of said County Commissioners to the Circuit Court
for Harford County, provided that said appeal is taken within
five days thereafter, which appeal shall be heard de novo, by
said Court, at its earliest convenience, without the intervention
of a jury; and if the said Court, after hearing all the evidence
shall find that said County Road Engineer is incompetent or
has been guilty of wilful neglect of duty, it may pass an order
removing said engineer from office, and the said engineer shall
not be entitled to receive any salary from the date of the order
of the County Commissioners removing from office.