260 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [Ch. 125]
AN ACT to add eleven new sections to Article 13 of the Public
Local Laws, title "Harford County," sub-title "County Com-
missioners," to come in after section 73, and to be numbered
73A, 73B, 73C, 73D, 73E, 73F, 73G, 73H, 73I, and to repeal
sections 1 and 2 of Article 25 of the Code of Public General
Laws, title "County Commissioners," so far as the same
apply to Harford county and are inconsistent with this act,
and to provide for the submission thereof to the qualified
voters of Harford county at the election to be held on the
first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, 1912, for
their approval or rejection.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the following sections be and they are hereby added
to Article 13 of the Code of Public Local Laws, title "Harford
County," sub-title "County Commissioners," to come in after
section 73, and to be known as sections 73A, 73B, 73C, 73D, 73E,
T3F, 73G, 73H and 73I, and to repeal sections 1 and 2 of Article
25 of the Code of Public General Laws, title "County Commis-
sioners," so fan as the same, apply to Harford county, and are
inconsistent with this act.
73A. The County Commissioners of Harford County are
authorized and empowered to control and regulate the public
roads and bridges in said county subject to the provisions of
this act.
73B. The County Commissioners of Harford County shall
within sixty days after the passage of this act appoint some
competent person who shall have sufficient knowledge of civil
engineering to enable him to accurately make surveys, plats,
profiles and specifications for grading, draining, maintenance,
repairs, construction and reconstruction of the public roads of
said county, and also to do the necessary engineering work
for the building or rebuilding of bridges, who shall have had at
least three years' experience in such civil engineering work,
to be County Road Engineer for Harford county, at a salary of
not less than $1,500, nor more than $2,000 a year in the dis-
cretion of said County Commissioners, payable monthly; and
said County Road Engineer appointed under this act shall hold
office until the first day of January in the year 1915, unless
removed for cause as hereinafter provided, and thereafter the
term of office of the County Road Engineer shall be for the
period of four years, commencing the first day of January,