and interest of said corporation, or beginning at the tipple or
other works of said corporation, or at the place where said cor-
poration intends or designs to erect such" tipple or other works,
and running either on the surface, underground or by elevated
road, or partly on the surface and partly by ,the other methods
or one of them, to the vein of coal or other minerals at the point
at which said corporation may desire to open or work the same;
and to use and control said railroad or railroads, and the neces-
sary- vehicle's and appurtenances thereto belonging.
274. Nothing in this article shall apply to or authorize the
construction of any elevated railroad, or of any other railroad,
except the surface road; and no elevated railroad company shall
be incorporated, except under a special charter of the General
Assembly; and no elevated railroad shall be constructed in or
through the City of Baltimore, or in or through any of the coun-
ties of the State; except under a special charter of the General
Assembly; provided, however, that nothing of this section shall
apply to railroads constructed by mining companies, as pro-
vided for in section 228 of this article.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 4, 1912.
AN ACT to pay to the School Commissioners of Garrett County
a sum of money out of the State school tax.
WHEREAS, In view of the pressure of the present apportion-
ment, especially upon Garrett county, of the State school tax,
and the inability, without larger increase of county taxation,
to keep her schools open for seven and one-half months, and
in view of the fact that mountain ridges so divide the popula-
tion of Garrett county, the largest county in the State in area,
as to render school facilities for all of the children more
expensive than in more central parts of the State; and
WHEREAS, It has been unanimously recommended by the State
Board of Education that such sum of money should be paid
out of the State School Fund to the Board of School Commis-
sioners of Garrett county; therefore,