232 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [Ch. 112]
WHEREAS, Said William H. Emory, Jr., and James S. Nus-
sear, Jr., have received no compensation for their said serv-
ices; and,
WHEREAS, The Comptroller has no appropriation of funds out
of which he is authorized to pay for such services.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Comptroller be and he is hereby authorized to
draw his warrant upon the treasurer for the sum of five hundred
dollars ($500.00) in favor of the said William H. Emory, Jr.,
and said James S. Nussear, Jr., to compensate them for their
services in preparing for the Lunacy Commission preliminary
plans and drawings and preliminary estimates for a negro
insane hospital under section 2 of Article 59, Code of Public
General Laws of the year 1911, as enacted by Chapter 435 of
the Acts of 1908.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 11, 1912.
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments section 228 of
Article 23 of the Code of Public General Laws, title "Cor-
porations," sub-title "Mining Companies," and section 274
of the same article, title "Corporations," sub-title "Railroad
Companies," providing for the construction of railroads by
mining companies.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That section 228 of Article 23 of the Code of Public Gen-
eral Laws of Maryland, title "Corporations," sub-title "Mining
Companies," and section 274 of the same article, title "Corpora-
tions," sub-title "Railroad Companies," be and the same are
hereby repealed and re-enacted with amendments so as to read
as follows:
228. The president and directors of any corporation men-
tioned in the preceding section shall be invested with full power
to locate and construct a railroad or railroads, with necessary
appurtenances, beginning the same at or near the mines, manu-
factories or works of the said corporation and running to any
convenient point or points that may best suit the convenience