184 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [Ch. 93]
83. To the Frederick City Hospital Association, the sum
of ten thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1913, and the like
sum of ten thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1914.
84. To the General and Marine Hospital, Crisfield, Mary-
land, the sum of six thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1913,
and the like sum of six thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1914.
85. To the West End Maternite Hospital, the sum of four
thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1913, and the like sum of
four thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1914.
86. To the Locust Point Social Settlement, the sum of five
hundred dollars for the fiscal year 1913, and the like sum of five
hundred dollars for the fiscal year 1914.
87. To the Northeastern Dispensary, the sum of seven hun-
dred and fifty dollars for the fiscal year 1913, and the like
sum of seven hundred and fifty dollars for the fiscal year 1914.
88. To Johns Hopkins University, the sum of twenty-five
thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1913, and the like sum of
twenty-five thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1914, with a
recommendation that one student from each Senatorial district
of the State shall be given free tuition and shall be recom-
mended by the Senator from such district and shall produce to
said Senator satisfactory evidence of his moral character and
of his inability or the inability of his parent or guardian to
pay the regular tuition fees.
89. To the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of the State of
Maryland, the sum of seventy-five hundred dollars for the fiscal
year 1913, and the like sum of seventy-five hundred dollars for
the fiscal year 1914.
90. To the Maryland Children's Aid Association, the sum
of twenty-five hundred dollars for the fiscal year 1913, and the
like sum of twenty-five hundred dollars for the fiscal year 1914.
91. To the Maryland Academy of Sciences, the sum of five
hundred dollars for the fiscal year 1913, and the like sum of
five hundred dollars for the fiscal year 1914.
92. To the Children's Hospital School of Baltimore City,
the sum of five thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1913, and
the like sum of five thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1914.
93. To the Home for Widows and Orphans of Physicians,
the sum of fifteen hundred dollars for the fiscal year 1913, and
the like sum of fifteen hundred dollars for the fiscal year 1914.
94. To the Exeter Street Rescue Home for Women, the
sum of one thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1913, and the
like sum of one thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1914.