95. To Saint Mary's Hospital, Incorporated, of St. Mary's
bounty, the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars for the fiscal
year 1913, and the like sum of twenty-five hundred dollars for
the fiscal year 1914.
96. To the Allegany Hospital of Cumberland, the sum of
five thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1913, and the like sum
of five thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1914.
97. To the McDonough Institute, La Plata, Maryland, the
sum of five thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1913, and the
like sum of five thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1914.
98. To the Maryland Agricultural College, the sum of six-
teen thousand dollars for maintenance for the fiscal year 1913,
and the like sum of sixteen thousand dollars for maintenance
for the fiscal year 1914; and the sum of five 'thousand dollars
for the Experiment Station for the fiscal year 1913, and the
like sum of five thousand dollars for the Experiment Station
for the fiscal year 1914; and the sum of three thousand dollar-
for demonstration work for the fiscal year 1913, and the like
sum of three thousand dollars for demonstration work for the
fiscal year 1914; and the sum of two thousand three hundred
and eighteen dollars and eighty-six cents for deficiency in inter-
est for the fiscal year 1913, and the like sum of two thousand
three hundred and eighteen dollars and eighty-six cents for
deficiency in interest for the fiscal year 1914; and the sum of
five thousand dollars for equipment for engineering course for
the fiscal year 1913.
99. To Saint John's College, the sum of fifteen thousand
dollars for the fiscal year 1913, and the sum of ten thousand
dollars for the fiscal year 1914.
100. To Washington College, the sum of twenty thousand
dollars for the fiscal year 1913, and the like sum of twenty
thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1914.
101. To the Universal Progressive School for Orphan and
Destitute Colored Children of Baltimore City, the sum of five
hundred dollars for the fiscal year 1913, and the like sum of
five hundred dollars for the fiscal year 1914.
102. To the Mount Hope Retreat, the sum of eighteen thou-
sand three hundred dollars for the fiscal year 1913, and the-
like sum of eighteen thousand three hundred dollars for the
fiscal year 1914, being deficit of allowance to said Retreat in
comparison with State institutions for the maintenance of three
hundred and five patients from January 1st, 1910, to January
1st, 1912.