Be it Resolved, That this joint resolution shall take effect
from its passage.
No. 4.
WHEREAS, It is alleged by the Pure Food Authorities of
Washington City that the oysters of the Potomac River and its
tributaries are infected with typhoid bacilli and threats are
made that the importation of Potomac River oysters to that city
will soon be prohibited; and
WHEREAS, If the Potomac River oysters are so infected, the
chief source of the infection is the pouring of the sewage of
Washington City into the Potomac, thereby polluting its waters;
therefore be it
Resolved, That the Attorney-General of Maryland be and he
is hereby authorized and instructed to have the State Chemist
or the Chemical Corps of the Johns Hopkins University exam-
ine Potomac River oysters for typhoid or any other harmful
germs, and if such be discovered and it appears that the sewage
of Washington is a cause of the pollution, that he at once take
the proper legal steps to prevent such sewage being turned into
the river.
Resolved, further, That as Virginia is as much interested in
this matter as is Maryland, that the Attorney-General of Mary-
land be instructed to invite the Attorney-General of Virginia to
co-operate with him in the case.
Be it further Resolved, That the sum of one thousand dollars
be and the same is hereby appropriated out of such funds as
may be available for the purpose of carrying out the provisions
of this Resolution, and that the same be paid by the State
Treasurer, from time to time, upon the written order or request
of the Attorney-General.
No. 5.
WHEREAS, There is to be held in .the city of San Francisco
in the year 1915, a great exposition in celebration of the com-
pletion of the world's most marvelous engineering feat, the
Panama Canal; and,
WHEREAS, This exposition is to be held under the auspices
of the United States of America and to be participated in by
the nations of the earth as well as by the several States of the
Union; and
WHEREAS, It is highly desirable and. important that the
State of Maryland participate in this exposition in a manner