fitting one of the original States and one with such important
maritime interests.
Now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That a commission of three be appointed, two by
the Speaker of the House and one by the President of the
Senate, to investigate and report to the General Assembly of
1912 the cost and advisability of purchasing and fitting out
one of the old Baltimore clipper ships and sailing said ship
through the Panama Canal to San Francisco, as a part of
Maryland's contribution to the exposition, together with such
other recommendations in connection therewith as the said
commission may see fit to make.
No. 6.
Be it resolved, That the thanks of the General Assembly of
Maryland, be and the same are hereby, tendered to Professor
H. F. Moore, of the Federal Department of Commerce, Bureau
of Fisheries, and to Captain C. C. Yates, of the United States
Coast and Geodetic Survey, for the services performed by these
gentlemen in marking out the natural oyster beds of the State
of Maryland.
Our citizens of all sections, and without regard to differences
in political opinion are greatly appreciative of the courtesy,
industry, tact and kindness which have been displayed by these
gentlemen in dealing with an important and difficult question.
No. 7.
Resolved by the House of Delegates (the Senate concurring),
That Murray Vandiver, James McC. Trippe, Ogle Marbury,
Charles A. Andrew, William W. Beck and William T. War-
burton be and they are constituted a State commission to
inquire into and report to the General Assembly of 1914 alt
matters and facts concerning the relation of the State of Mary-
land to the Maryland Agricultural College, situated at College
Park, Maryland, and particularly the condition, value and
effectiveness of its plant and buildings, the title, nature and
ownership of private corporate stock, and private corporate
lands and State lands there situate, the teaching staff and the
work done for the State as to its character, value and effective-
ness, and all other matters connected with and pertaining to the
interest of the State of Maryland in these matters and its pres-
ent and future appropriations on this account, with full power
to said commisison to investigate and report in the premises.