services of the highest value. A classical scholar of the broad-
est attainments, he adorned the Assembly; a man of energy,
industry and integrity, guided by a lofty public spirit, he was
ever faithful to his constituents and his State.
Resolved, further, That a copy of this Eesolution be bound
with the Acts of Assembly for the year 1912, and that a copy
thereof be properly engrossed and under the Great Seal, be
transmitted by the Secretary of the Senate to the family of
Louis McK. Griffith.
No. 3.
WHEREAS, The General Assembly of Maryland has received
a communication through the Governor of Maryland, transmit-
ting a resolution passed by the General Assembly of Virginia
declaring that uncertainty still exists as to the real boundary
line between the States of Maryland and Virginia along the
Potomac River, by reason of failure of arbitrators appointed to
ascertain the boundary line between said States, to define and
limit the meaning of the term "Headland" as used in said
award or to locate "Headlands" upon the plat filed with said
award; in consequence whereof the jurisdiction of said States
is still in doubt and litigation and conflict is constantly arising
on said waters; and appointing a joint committee of the two
Houses of the General Assembly of Virginia to confer with a
like committee on the part of the General Assembly of Mary-
land ; therefore be it
1. Resolved by the Senate (the House of Delegates Con-
curring) , That a joint committee, to be composed of three on the
part of the Senate and five on the part of the House of Dele-
gates, to be appointed by the President of the Senate and
Speaker of the House, to confer with a like committee on the
part of the General Assembly of Virginia and to frame and
report such a law or compact as will settle questions of jurisdic-
tion or doubt as to said boundary line, in so far as the designa-
tions and names of such "Headlands" are concerned, and in so
far as the respective jurisdictions of the said States over felo-
nies and misdemeanors are concerned, without in any way
affecting the rights or jurisdictions of either of the said States
in said waters so far as fishing and oystering is concerned.
2. Resolved, That the Governor of the State of Maryland is
hereby requested to transmit a copy of these resolutions at once
to the Governor of Virginia, to be by him laid before the General
Assembly of Virginia immediately upon the receipt thereof.