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Session Laws, 1912
Volume 370, Page 1520   View pdf image
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1520 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [Ch. 790]

subdivision of Takoma Park; thence with the west side of the
aforesaid avenue to a stone on the west side of said avenue;
thence from said stone, with the centre line of said avenue to a
point opposite the north line of Philadelphia avenue; thence
from this point, to and along the north line of said Philadelphia
avenue to the lines between lots two and three (2 and 3), and
one and four (1 and 4), in block seventy-two (72) of the
Takoma Park Loan and Trust Company's subdivision of Ta-
koma Park; thence with said lines to Baltimore avenue; thence
obliquely across said avenue to a stone, the north boundary of
lot six (6) in block eighty (80) of the aforesaid loan and trust
company's subdivision, said stone being on the third line of a
tract of land called the Girl's Portion; thence with, said line
reversed to the north side of Brashears avenue; thence with a
right angle across the land of said Brashears, to the south line
of Brashears' land; thence with said line to the west line of H.
P. R. Holt; thence with the line of H. P. R. Holt and Brashears
to the land purchased by B. F. Gilbert from the Blair heirs;
thence with the outlines of said land to a point on the Sandy
Spring road, now known as Carroll avenue, said point being the
southwest corner of the land now in possession of Jane and
Benjamin Davis; thence from said point, along the west side
of said Carroll avenue to the Bladensburg road, at John
Brown's; thence with the east side of said road to the land
of Jackson; then southerly with Jackson's land to the land of
Riggs; thence with the east line of Riggs' thirty (30) acres
wood lot, and the west lines of said Riggs' land, known as the
Wrae Farm, to the land now in possession of one Gleason;
thence with said land to a boundary stone, known as the end of
the thirty-first (31) line of "Chillum Castle Manor"; thence
with said line reversed, and as now laid down, to the land of
Samuel J. Cockville; then still with said line and Cockville's
north line to the aforesaid third (3) line of the District of
Columbia; then with said line reversed to the place of begin-

1896, ch. 310, sec. 4.

573. The residents of said town being qualified voters under
the laws of this State, and who have resided in said town for
three months previous to any election, shall, on the first Mon-
day in May next, and every two years thereafter on the same
day elect one person, at least thirty years of age, Mayor of said
town, and six persons, not less than twenty-five years of age,
who, together with the Mayor, shall constitute the council, and
all of whom shall have resided in the town at least one year
previous to their election, and be legal voters therein, (a)


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Session Laws, 1912
Volume 370, Page 1520   View pdf image
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