1910, ch. 550, sec. 1.
569. That the State's Attorney for Montgomery county
shall receive an annual salary of two thousand dollars for the
performance of the official duties of his said office, which now or
hereafter may be required by law, said salary to be in lieu of
all fees, appearance and trial, and all other compensations for
same, and to be payable semi-annually, on the first day of Jan-
uary and the first day of July, by the County Treasurer, upon
an order of the county commissioners, and said duties shall also
include his services before the justices of the peace of said
county in criminal cases in preliminary hearings or trials when
in the public interest he attends on his own motion or at the
request of any of the said justices, and shall include all advice
regarding criminal law and procedure which he shall give any
justice of the peace of said county; provided, however, that his
actual expenses incurred in following and trying criminal cases
removed from said county shall be paid in addition to his sal-
ary ; and that all general or local laws inconsistent with the pro-
visions of this sub-title of this article be and the same are hereby
1910, ch. 550, sec. 2.
570. That it shall be the duty of the Sheriff to collect and
pay over to the county commissioners quarterly any appearance
or other fee, taxed as part of the costs payable to the State's
Attorney in any criminal case.
1896, ch. 310, sec. 2.
571. The inhabitants of that district of county situate partly
in Montgomery and partly in Prince George's county, in the
State of Maryland, embraced within the limits prescribed in the
next succeeding section shall be and continue to be a body
politic and corporate, by the name and style of the town of
Takoma Park, and by that name shall have perpetual succession,
sue and be sued, and have and use a common seal.
Ibid. sec. 3.
572. That the limits of said town shall be as follows: Begin-
ning at the intersection of the third line of the District of
Columbia, with the east line of the Metropolitan Branch of the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and running with the east lines of
said road to a stone the west side of Chicago avenue opposite
the dividing line between lots six and seven (6 and 7), in block
seventy (70) of the Takoma Park Loan and Trust Company's