[Ch. 790]
Ibid. sec. 24.
564. That neglect or non-use shall not work a forfeiture of
this charter.
1910, ch. 113, sec. 1.
565. That the Mayor and Council of the town of Somerset,
in the county of Montgomery, are hereby authorized, empow-
ered and directed to construct sewers in any of the streets of the
town of Somerset whenever it shall be necessary in the opinion
of said Mayor and Council to construct sewers in any of the
streets of the town of Somerset, when owners representing forty
(40) per cent, of the property abutting on the line of said
sewers shall petition for the same, and the entire cost of same
shall be assessed against the property abutting on said street or
streets, and the money due from the said assessment shall be a
lien on said abutting property and collected as other taxes are
collected by the Mayor and Council; provided, that before any
special tax be levied upon this act notice shall be served upon
said abutting property owner of the purpose and probable
amount of special tax by mailing of a copy thereof by the clerk
of said Mayor and Council to the last known residence of the
owner or owners of said abutting property, which notice shall
provide a time and place when and after which said owner or
owners shall have the right to be heard with reference thereto.
1910, ch. 119, sec. 1.
566. That no person shall hunt with a gun, rifle or other
instrument for the killing of game on the Lord's Day, com-
monly known as Sunday, in Montgomery county.
Ibid. sec. 2.
567. That any person convicted of violating the preceding
section by a justice of the peace of said Montgomery county
shall be subject to a fine of not exceeding ten dollars and costs,
one-half of said fine to be paid to the informer, whether an
officer of the law or other person, and the other, half to the
treasurer of said county for the benefit of the public schools
Ibid. sec. 3.
568. That the carrying on Sunday in said county of a gun,
rifle or other instrument for the killing of game by a person
off the premises of which said person is owner or tenant shall be
prima facie evidence of the violation of section No. 566 of this