144 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [Ch. 82]
AN ACT to authorize the Mayor and Council of Rockville to
convey to Henry Reisinger a part of Commerce lane that has
been abandoned hi Rockville.
WHEREAS, A portion of Commerce lane in Rockville, lying
between the eastern portion of lot numbered forty (40) and
Commerce lane as now used, and between said lot numbered
forty (40) and Montgomery avenue, has been abandoned for
a great many years, and Henry Reisinger is now the owner
of that portion of said lot numbered forty (40), which
adjoins on the north side abandoned portion of Commerce
lane. And,
WHEREAS, Said Commerce lane is unnecessarily wide at that
place, and the portion so abandoned is useless to the public.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Mayor and Council of Rockville be and it is
hereby authorized and empowered to convey to the said Henry
Reisinger for a nominal consideration so much of that portion
of the bed of Commerce lane as has been abandoned and is now
in the possession of the said Reisinger, as in the judgment of
the said Mayor and Council of Rockville may not be needed
for public use as a public highway.
Approved April 1, 1912.
AN ACT concerning the retirement from regular duty of public
school teachers in Baltimore county, and providing salaries
for teachers retired; providing for a fund out of which said
salaries shall be paid; and creating the board of trustees of
the Teachers' Retirement Fund of Baltimore County for the
management and distribution of such fund, by adding addi-
tional sections to Article 3 of the Code of Public Local Laws,
title "Baltimore County," as repealed and re-enacted by
Chapter 495 of the Acts of the General Assembly of Mary-
land, Session of nineteen hundred and eight, sub-title
"Schools," to follow section 376, and to be known as sections