376A, 376B, 376C, 376D, 376E, 376F, 376G, 376H, 376I,
376J, 376K, 376L, 376M, 376N, 376O, 376P, 376Q, 376R,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the following additional sections be added to Article
3 of the Code of Public Local Laws, title "Baltimore County,"
as repealed and re-enacted by Chapter 495 of the Acts of the
General Assembly of Maryland, Session of nineteen hundred
and eight, sub-tide "Schools," to Jollow section 376, and to be
known as sections 376A, 376B, 376C, 376D, 376E, 376F, 376G,
376H, 376I, 376J, 376K, 376L, 376M, 376N, 376O, 376P, 376Q,
376R, 376S.
376A. There shall be a board to be known as the board of
trustees of the Teachers' Retirement Fund of Baltimore County,
to be composed of nine persons, who shall serve without com-
pensation for their duties as members of said board of trustees
of the Teachers' Retirement Fund of Baltimore County. The
said board of trustees of the Teachers' Retirement Fund of
Baltimore County, shall be composed of the president of the
County Commissioners of Baltimore County, the county super-
intendent of public education of Baltimore county, two members
of the Board of County School Commissioners of Baltimore
County, to be elected by said Board of County School Commis-
sioners annually in the month of November, beginning in the
year 1913, and the members so elected shall become members
of said board of trustees of the Teachers' Retirement Fund of
Baltimore County on the fifteenth day of January next follow-
ing the date of their election, provided that as soon as prac-
ticable after the passage of this act, the Board of County School
Commissioners of Baltimore County shall elect two of its mem-
bers to serve as members of the said board of trustees of the
Teachers' Retirement Fund of Baltimore County until the mem-
bers elected in November, 1913, shall become members of said
board of trustees of the Teachers' Retirement Fund of Baltimore
County; and five members of the teaching force of Baltimore
county, who shall be elected in the following manner: On the
third Saturday of November in each year, beginning in the
year 1913, the members of the teaching force of Baltimore
county shall deposit with the said board of trustees of the
Teachers' Retirement Fund of Baltimore County a sealed bal-
lot containing the names of five teachers representing his or her
choice for membership of the said board of trustees of the
Teachers' Retirement Fund of Baltimore County. The board
of trustees of the Teachers' Retirement Fund of Baltimore