142 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [Ch. 79]
for not more than twelve hours in any one calendar day, to
meet the exigencies of exceptional seasonable demands upon the
trade or industry in which they are employed. Provided fur-
ther, that the invalidity of any portion of this act shall in no
way affect the validity of any other portion thereof which can
be given affect without such invalid part. But the provisions
of this section shall not apply to females employed in tho
canning or preserving or preparing for canning or preserving
of perishable fruits and vegetables.
SEC. 15. Every employer shall post in a conspicuous place
in every room of any manufacturing, mechanical, mercantile,
printing, baking or laundering establishment in which any
females are employed, a printed notice stating the provisions
of this law and the hours of beginning and stopping work. The
printed form of such notice shall be furnished by the chief of
the Maryland Bureau of Statistics and Information.
SEC. 16. The Governor shall appoint in the year 1912 and
every fourth year thereafter, in the month of May, an Inspector
and two Assistant Inspectors of Female Labor, who shall be
female citizens of this State of good moral character. The
Inspector shall receive a salary of $800.00 annually, and each
of the Assistant Inspectors a salary of $600.00 annually, and
they shall be further paid the actual and necessary expense
incurred by them in the discharge of their duties. They shall
hold office for four years and until their respective successors
shall have been appointed and have qualified, but may be
removed by the Governor at any time, a specific written state-
ment of his reasons for such removal being furnished in each
case by the Governor to the person removed. All vacancies in
the offices hereby created shall be immediately filled by the Gov-
ernor for the remainder of the unexpired term. The sum of
six thousand dollars ($6,000) per annum, or so much thereof
as may be needed in each year is hereby appropriated to carry
out the provisions of this and the next succeeding sections.
SEC. 17. The said Inspector and her said Assistants, in tho
discharge of their duties, may enter any place, building or room
of any establishment mentioned in section 14 of this article and
shall visit and inspect all establishments named in said section
14 as often as practicable during reasonable hours, and shall
cause the provisions of this act to be enforced therein; they
shall report any cases of illegal employment or other violations
of sections 14 and 15 of this article to the State's attorney and
the grand jury of the county or city where the said offenses shall
have been committed.