pending, growing out of the loss of a certificate of stock issued
in the name of an agent or trustee.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved March 28, 1912.
AN ACT to amend Article 100 of the Code of Public General
Laws, title "Work-hours of, in Factories", by inserting therein
five sections to follow section 13 thereof, and to be known
respectively as sections 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18, under the
sub-title "Hours of Labor for Females".
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Article 100 of the Code of Public General Laws,
title "Work-hours of, in Factories", be and the same is hereby
amended by the addition thereto of five sections, to be known
respectively as sections 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18, to follow section
13 of the said article, as now enacted, under the sub-title "Hours
of Labor for Females", and to read as follows:
SEC. 14. No female shall be employed or permitted to work
in any manufacturing, mecnanioal, mercantile, printing, baking
or laundering establishment more than ten hours in any one
day, nor more than sixty hours in any one week, nor more than
eight hours in any one day if any part of her work is done
before six o'clock in the morning or after 10 o'clock, in the even-
ing of the said day; nor shall any female be employed or per-
mitted to work for more than six hours continuously at any
one time in any of the aforesaid establishments in which three
or more such persons are employed without an interval of, at
least, a half hour, except that such female may be so employed
for not more than six and a half .hours continuously at one
time if she shall not be permitted to work during the remainder
of the day in her said employment; provided, that in Allegany
county any person or persons subject to this act in whose estab-
lishment the average working day for the entire year does not
exceed nine hours and in which the entire working force is
employed on full time for the entire year and who for a period
not less than four months has established for such employees a
working day of less than nine hours, may for a period immedi-
ately thereafter, not exceeding six weeks employ their employees